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ಪ್ರವೇಶಿಸಿರಿ (ಸಹಾಯ)
உள்ளேற (உதவி)

"സെന്റ്. ആൽബർട്സ് എച്ച്.എസ്.എസ്. എറണാകുളം/അക്ഷരവൃക്ഷം/ ABOUT ME" എന്ന താളിന്റെ പതിപ്പുകൾ തമ്മിലുള്ള വ്യത്യാസം

തിരുത്തലിനു സംഗ്രഹമില്ല
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വരി 4: വരി 4:
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Tears made me strong
Fears made me accurate
Some said I was cruel,
I am not loveable.
I said they were right-
I didn't love anyone-
I didn't care anyone-
All I loved and cared;
was about me.
Brain versus soul~
Brain won_
And the soul loss.
In my journey
I hate the past
I didn't cared the present
All I cared was
The future unknown.
I didn't engaged directly-
To the foes,
They were sure to got-
Hit from behind
Appearance made me smile
All couldn't see,
My evil inside
All I made
All I has
Cant be expressed,
In terms of money unit.
I was single all time
I am formidable.
To my foes-
I say
I promise to pay bearer-
The sum of owed.
Many could defeat me
But they didn't stop me
Was made a habbit.
It gave me confidence,
Potential and power.
I didn't made mistakes
As Metaphors
Developed imagination
Improved my skills.
I am happy with
My life is worth.
Thus I thank my,
</poem> </center>


"https://schoolwiki.in/പ്രത്യേകം:മൊബൈൽവ്യത്യാസം/881872" എന്ന താളിൽനിന്ന് ശേഖരിച്ചത്