ഗവ. ഗേൾസ്. എച്ച്.എസ്.എസ്. തൃപ്പൂണിത്തുറ/അക്ഷരവൃക്ഷം/BAD COMPANY CORRUPTS GOOD MORALS
Friends are very important in the life of every person.Nowadays, Internet and various kinds of social medias takes away much of our leisure time.Still the value of our friendship /company with others is not lost to us.For good friends are the great treasures one can have.We give them a lot of our time.We learn many things from them.Friendship is always an asset. As we look around,into our present era,we can see people having bad friendships and good friendships.When we are kept somewhere like schools, colleges, offices,etc,we got really confused to choose good friends. The problem is here and it is that many of us are not able to descern the person to whom we are associating is good or bad. It is not our fault that sometimes we may step into wrong friendships. Here comes the need to be wise to differentiate between bad and good .As a student,I could define bad company as to spend time with people who are not morally good. Sometimes,many of us got puzzled or confused in some situations and we may be thinking that how can I avoid a bad company.For 'bad company corrupts good morals'. Firstly,stay true to yourself.Stop talking to the bad ones and avoid them.Just know what you want.Never do anything just because everyone is doing it.Don't open up all of a sudden to almost anyone.Give it time.Think about the type of things you want in life.Know your interests and those around you. We should have good friendship/good company.It is the basis on which the moral aspect of your life has to be built.Good friends increase your sense of belonging and purpose.They boost your happiness and reduce your stress.They improve your self-confidence and self-worth.And it also help you to cope up with traumas , such as failure,serious illness,death of your loved ones,etc.Even the other people who are related to us may walk away,but good friends do not. They are always with us,feeding us with new information,guiding us on new paths and enlightening us on new things.So,listen to them,learn from them.Share your thoughts and opinions with them.Then develop your own set of values for your life. 'According to Aristotle,there are three types of friendships;those based on utility,those based on pleasure or delight and those grounded in virtue. In the first type,friendship based on utility,people associate for their mutual usefulness.This type of friendship is by nature,self-regarding and selfishly motivated,though mutually satisfactory.In the second type,people associate for the sake of sensual pleasure. Those are self-regarding or self-focussed relationships.Aristotle delineates a third type,those grounded in virtue : fully developed friendship.' So,what we can learn from the above mentioned things?First,try to realize without judgement or shame,into which categories our friendships fall.Do those friendship of utility or pleasure blind us to the good in others or ourselves,? Do they stunt our growth or that of our friend? Do they handicap our ability to be as good as we can be?Second,where the answers to the above questions are yes,consider enacting a change.Finally remember that friendship grounded in virtue is one of the habitual decisions to eventuate good of the other. Never allow bad associations ruin your bright future.We should keep in mind that we 'll become like him/her whom we are walking with.And never forget that wrong associations never lead us to the right destiny. So 'Walk with the wise and you too will be wise'."If wealth is lost, nothing is lost.If health is lost,something is lost.If good morals are lost ,everything is lost.Be a person of good morals." Then we will be successful in our life and we can be rolemodels to many so that our names will be remembered forever.
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