സെന്റ്. ജോസഫ്സ് ഗേൾസ് ഹൈസ്കൂൾ മേപ്പാടി/അക്ഷരവൃക്ഷം/IMMUNITY
In India we celebrate national immunity motivation week on august 6 to 12. The main aim of this program to give awareness of pandemic deceases and immunity power of human body and its importance. Now a days pandemic deceases are spreading all over the world. Now the world has become a new world of micro organism. There different type pandemic decease around us such as Bird fever, Chikungunya ,Rat fever, AIDS, Malaria, Hepatitis, Nipah, Covid 19 etc...In such situation the importance of national immunity motivation week has been increased Immunity power of human has been identified throw experiment. As per the direction of world health organisation ‘WHO’ national health department have started various programs to prevent spreading of pandemic deceases such as polio, measles etc. in all over India. There are many country have celebrated a month as immunity month we can control spreading of pandemic deceases such as Measles, Hacking cough, Polio, Small pox, through vaccination. There are pandemic deceases which can be reason of our country. Such deceases should removed from our country. This is possible by vaccination against pandemic deceases. There are different vaccination are given to different aged person such as baby, child, aged people etc. In Kerala more than one lakh of people got pandemic fever in 2011. We should give importance to vaccination and cleaning surroundings. Today we are showing laziness to clean surroundings. We should take steps to control Housefly, Mosquito etc... Kerala had progress in human health program. Just like other developed country the people of Kerala also have knowledge and awareness of personal health. Now a day there are no awareness of social cleaning. So that common people, health member, education centre are started programs to make awareness of social health. Even village people also started programs. This make a progress in it. The people who have low income, having health problem. There are some program to give them medicine. This is possible in village people. Our village, town all has been changed as waste bin. In this situation recycle of waste is very important. There are many places where plastic are formed such as house, factory, hotel, trade centre etc.. public places are changed as waste bin and it is covered with waste. In such situation pandemic deceases can spread easily. Drinking water should clean. Well should be 15 feet away from septic tank. Mosquito, Rat, Housefly etc.. are insects spreading pandemic deceases. ‘ AROGYA KERALA ’ state mission have some direction against pandemic deceases. Common people should get the knowledge about health and make them to understand and its importance. See people problem from there view : * Discuss health problem of people and take decision. * How people are making use of new knowledge. * Produce new knowledge. * Should take proper vaccination. . Give awareness about cleaning surroundings and personal cleaning. * Every one must get proper vaccination.
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