ജി.എച്ച്.എസ്സ്.എസ്സ്. കാക്കാഴം/അക്ഷരവൃക്ഷം/CORONA WAR-Article-Alfiya fathima.s
Corona virus [COVID-19] is a disease caused by a virus. It is first invented in China on 2019. Now it is named as COVID-19[COrona VIrus Disease-2019]. This virus mainly affect our respiratory organs. We experience very difficulty in respiration if the virus affect us. This virus spread from man to man by contacts. Older people and those with underlying medical problems like diabetes, respiratory diseases and cancer are more likely to develop serious illness. Covid-19 affect different people in different ways. Most infected people will develop mild or moderate symptoms. Fever, tiredness, dry cough are some common symptoms. Some people may experience aches and pains, nasal congestion, runny nose, sore throat, diarrhoea, etc.... On average it takes 5-6 days from when someone is infected with the virus for symptoms to show, however it can take up to 14 days. Now a days, Covid-19 is spreading all over the world very fastly. More than 1.5 lakhs of people were died due to this virus all over the world. More peoples are from America [more than 32000 were died]. In India there are more than 14000 peoples were diseased and more than 450 peoples died. In Kerala diseased peoples are more than 300 and only 3 were died. This is very good about us. Chief Minister of Kerala Shri.Pinarayi Vijayan and health minister Mrs. K. K. Shailaja deserve a good honor to led Kerala as this. Peoples of Kerala obay the rules from government. These are the secret behind the survival of Kerala. The situation become more dangerous. So we can take more precautions to avoid Covid-19. Clean your hands using soap and water or alcohol-based hand rub, maintain a safe distance from any one who is coughing or sneezing, cover your nose and mouth, stay home if you feel unwell, follow the directions of your local health authority. STAY home
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