Schoolwiki സംരംഭത്തിൽ നിന്ന്
Now in this lockdown days the only thing that people wants to think and talk is all about covid-19/corona virus.First when we heard about Corona virus spreading all over China we were not bothered about it. But now it reached our country ,near us. It was not something expected. It created fear among the people.They were feared to communicate with others,because it was a virus spreading through contact.
The countries like China,America, Italy were very badly affected by these virus.Thousands of people died.The people with less immunity were mostly affected by this pandemic.The main reason for this deaths are the limited precautions that were taken.
" Things that once took months,are now being carried out in a matter of days".
:-TN Hari
Yes,as he said now everything is being faster.At the start of this condition, the test of this virus took many days but now it has been reduced.Likewise everything were done faster.
Within the countries that was affected by this virus India is the least affected.This is because of the precautions that India took.India had a wide efficient medical team.These guys were willing to work day and night to overcome this pandemic . India had declared lockdown from 25th march to may 3rd.This is an effective step to fight against this pandemic. Social distancing is the only way to reduce the spreading of this Virus.
India's medical team,government and the police force are doing their best to save our country. The only duty of the socially responsible citizens are to stay home and stay safe.
The only thing that we could do to save ourselves is to avoid unnecessary contact with animals and even humans, be sure to thoroughly wash hands after contact and avoid touching your own face,eyes and mouth with unwashed hands .
This pandemic act as a warning for us.Now we all know the importance of self hygiene and it also warned the countries to be prepared.
സാങ്കേതിക പരിശോധന - Anilkb തീയ്യതി: 18/ 04/ 2020 >> രചനാവിഭാഗം - ലേഖനം