സെന്റ് മേരീസ് എം.എം.ജി.എച്ച്.എസ്.എസ്, അടൂർ/അക്ഷരവൃക്ഷം/PERSONAL HYGIENE

Schoolwiki സംരംഭത്തിൽ നിന്ന്

Personal hygiene is very important in life. It covers all aspect depends on culture or any way of life. It could be personal reason, social, psychological, or just the way of maintaining healthy lifestyle. For personal reason, it could boast self esteem, feeling good about self or as a way of making the self more attractive to others. In social reason, a good personal hygiene can project a positive image that reflects one's personality and be more welcome to the society. Health reasons, maintaining the self clean would mean being free from the risk of illness. Psychological view means opportunities to become more successful if you look more presentable. Personal hygiene means having good practices of taking care of one's self and leading to healthy lifestyle. This is the daily routine of taking a shower or wash on the whole body, brushing teeth, combing hair, cleaning the ears, eyes, nose, nails and wearing comfortable and clean clothes, knickers, socks and shoes. Good hygiene protects you from illness and diseases, and it affects the way you feel about yourself and other people feel about you.

There are so many healthy things that every person

should obey. If we do that correctly and daily we can get rid of epidemic diseases and lifestyle diseases.

Wash hands properly with soap or hand-wash before

and after doing meal. In such a way we can avoid stomach pain, corona, SARS and other diseases. After visiting public places wash hands immediately with soap. Washing the upper portion and middle of the fingers for 20 seconds with soap and water is the proper way of washing hands. By this we can wash away viruses and some bacteria that cause corona, HIV, influenza etc. easily.

Cover face with hand kerchief or mask while sneezing or coughing. Always carry a hand kerchief because it helps to defend us from some bacteria that is in the air and also defend other from getting fever from us. Don’t touch your eyes, mouth and nose always. Because if our hand contain some bacteria and we touch our eyes, nose and mouth it will be easy to the bacteria to get inside our body and get fever.

If someone have any epidemic diseases they must avoid visiting public places. Keep one meter distance from a patient. Be careful that the saliva of the affected person don’t get on your body. Don’t spit on public places. By using high quality masks, by not giving anyone shake-hands and cleaning hands with alcohol contained hand-sanitary will keep us away from corona like virus and germs.

Cleaning our nails by cutting them down is also beneficial that the germs won’t hide because it will be hard to clean if we grow nails. Brush teeth in the morning when awake and night before sleep. Don’t use others towel, comb, shaving set, blade etc. Because germs like HIV will enter our body. Always wear clean clothes. It will be better if bed sheets and other clothes are dried in sunlight after washing clothes. Because sunlight destroys germs. Don’t walk in the soil barefooted especially where hook worms are seen most. After going to toilet wash your hands properly. Don’t eat fast food and synthetic foods. Use lower amount of sugar, oil, fat and salt.

Add fruits, vegetables, sprouted pulses etc. in your daily diet and avoid eating too much. Add sea fishes and egg also in your diet because it will make your immune system higher. Breakfast is very important. Do not skip it during busy schedule. Reduce the intake of fried food items. Keep in mind that excessive likes and dislikes of food items will adversely affect health. Develop the habit of using seasonal leafy vegetables and fruits available in the locality. Drink 10 glass of water everyday. Exercise and proper rest will make the body fit and healthy. Walking fast and riding cycle is a good exercise. Don’t watch T. V more than two hours and don’t watch more than thirty minutes continuously. Never use drugs, alcohol drinks and don’t smoke especially on public places. If you have any difficulty use the advise of doctor.

Cleanliness is one of the most important element of good health. Thus, it is an important hygiene habit to keep yourself and your surroundings neat and clean. Whenever there is dirt, there are germs that thrive in it. Also, the dirt is light in air and thus it moves around in the air. So, a dirty man is often the one that is attacked easily with various diseases. So don’t be a dirty man be a healthy man

ആർദ്ര കെ അജയ്
8 C സെന്റ് മേരീസ് എം.എം.ജി.എച്ച്.എസ്.എസ്, അടൂർ
അടൂർ ഉപജില്ല
അക്ഷരവൃക്ഷം പദ്ധതി, 2020

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