സെന്റ്.സെബാസ്റ്റ്യൻസ് എച്ച്.എസ്സ്. ആനിക്കാട്/അക്ഷരവൃക്ഷം/LOCKDOWN VACATION
Now our world is facing a dreadful disease Covid-19 also known as Corona virus. Many people the world has died due to this virus. We all should follow the instructions of our government and be safe. According to a child, vacation is something special for them. Because it is a time free of tensions studies etc... But this year vacation has something special. Our whole country is now in a lock down. There is no public transport, shops malls etc... Only very important shops like vegetable stores, hospitals, medical stores etc. are only open. On vacation we all goes to our relatives houses, stay with them, play with them and we will have a lot of fun but this time we all are in our own houses, even though this is heart breaking. We should all sit in our home and save our nation from Corona virus. According to me lock down days are very boring but we should stay in our houses to be safe. But in one way there quarantine days are useful for children whose parents are always busy with work. Those children can spend time with their parents and can be happy. Even though we are safe in our homes we must think of the people outside. Especially the doctors and nurses, who are working hard to overcome Corona virus. They are not even thinking of their lives. They are the real angels. Their effort is beyond our imagination. As we and our nation is in a lock down we should not waste our time. Most of the children waste their time by watching television, mobile, playing video games etc. We should do something creative. I spend these days of my vacation by doing creative things like, drawing, farming, gardening, cooking painting useless bottles and making them useful for planting small herbs and water plants. Like this I made my vacation days fruitful. We are staying in our houses but the police officers nurses, doctors etc... are working hard. Police officers are working hard to confirm complete lock down in roads streets etc... But most of the people do not give a value for their effort and travels through the roads and streets. The efforts of all police officers should be appreciated. Many people in our nation, like farmers business men etc... has a lot of problem but, they are co-operating with the lock down and not thinking of there economic loss. Our government has also taken effective measures to overcome the situations like food scarcity. Due to this Covid-19, we could not even properly celebrate festivals like Vishu and Holy-days like Osana, Easter, Good Friday etc... So, let’s all stay at home and be safe. We all will stand together and will overcome this Corona virus too. Stand strong and wash your hands using a sanitizer or soap, follow social distancing, wear mask. Even though this vacation is a little bit boring let’s all stand together and “Break the chain”. Stay home Stay safe......
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