ഗവൺമെൻറ്, ഗേൾസ് എച്ച്.എസ്. എസ് ,കോട്ടൺഹിൽ/അക്ഷരവൃക്ഷം/MYSELF IN
Hai,my name is CORONA,also known as COVID-19.I was born in China.First I started from China's Wuhan market.In Wuhan market first I was exposed as a pneumonia from the fishes,later I was founded as a huge virus in the Chinese laboratory.From China to the whole world, except few countries.I was spreaded in a few days all over the world.I killed almost 1lakh people.Even though I did this much none did find the medicine to defeat me until now.My journey will continue until they find medicine to kill me.Even though they didn't find a medicine to defeat me they're taking precautions by using handwashes,sanitizers and mask's. I hate those kind of people who take care and I love those who don't.If they don't take care of themselves then it is really good for me and bad for them.I will attack everyone until I can. FIGHT ME IF YOU CAN your's only life threatner