ഒ.എൽ.എൽ.എച്ച്.എസ്സ്.എസ്സ്. ഉഴവൂർ/അക്ഷരവൃക്ഷം/Lock Down
Lock Down Time
Prevention is better than cure. One of the challenge we are facing today is corona virus. The lock down announced by the government is a new experience to the people of kerala. Now a days we are also facing other deceases like malaria and dengue fever. It is fastly spreading through our locality. So we should take necessary actions to prevent such decease by keep our surroundings clean. We must maintain cleanliness and hygiene to prevent mosquitoes lay eggs. We should not allow water to accumulate around our house. keep our surrounding neat and clean will help as to live healthy. Don't throw waste or garbage everywhere, but only in trash bins. Control the use of plastic bags will helps to prevent pollution. We should use recycled and eco friendly products like paper bags instead of plastic bags. Try planting trees and plants that will beauty our surroundings as well as keep us healthy. Personal hygiene is also important to prevent deceases. Wash our hands intermittent using antiseptic solution. Keep our body clean. Eat healthy food maid at home instead of fast food In this lock down time, we should unite to keep our a surroundings and your body clean for our better healthy life.