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Almost countries in the world is now facing the Corona virus disease. This disease spread to other countries from China, later all over the world the Corona virus disease infected. The first case of coronavirus disease in India was confirmed in the state of Kerala. Kerala government ,doctors and health department started their work to defeat covid 19.Doctors works 24 hours to give better care to the infected peoples.Kerala has lowest mortality rate of among all states in India.lsolation ward with 40 beds was set up in 21 major hospitals of the state and the helpline was activated in every district. Tele counselling services were conducted to provide psychosocial support to families of the suspected to be infected,there were about 4000 persons are under home or Hospital quarantaine.The Government of Kerala has started a YouTube channel for updating the public regarding the status of Corona virus spread in Kerala and precautions to be taken. There are three coronavirus test centres in Kerala.The Kerala government arranged special isolation wards in prisons across the state.To avoid the spread of coronavirus,the Government of Kerala shutdown all colleges and schools.The government also argued people to not undertake pilgrimage and large gatherings such as wedding and cinema shows.On 15th March a new initiative "break the chain" was introduced by Government of Kerala,the Campaign to educate people about the importance of public and personal hygiene.Under this campaign the government has installed Water taps at Public sports such as at the entry and exit gates of railway stations with hand wash bottles.The Chief Minister of Kerala announced the packages to help the state to overcome economic hardship.This includes Healthcare ,loans and free ration, creating jobs in rural areas families with financial difficulties and 2 months pension in advance.The chief minister of Kerala announced a statewide lockdown till 31st of March to prevent further spread of coronavirus.This was before Central government declared a national wide lockdown.In Kasaragod district necessary grocery stores were allowed to be opened from 11:00 a.m. till 5:00 p.m. and in other districts necessary shops were opened from 7:00 a.m. till 5:00 p.m. with exception of medical stores. Public transports where shutdown. people can avoid the spread of coronavirus by obey the instructions given by health department. Wash your hands ,use tissues while coughing and sneezing use mask ,stay home stay safe and be creative.