ഗവ.മോഡൽ എച്ച്എസ്എസ് വെള്ളമുണ്ട/അക്ഷരവൃക്ഷം/PREVENTION OF DISEASES
Ways to Prevent the Spread of Infectious Diseases
when you think of deadliest disease in the world, our mind probably jumps in to fast acting, incurable one like
Apart from the above Some deadliest diseases in the history are:-
Currently we have vaccines and treatments for most of the above disease. But that time these diseases take more life in a short period of time. Now we are suffering with a virus known as covid its typically a virus that come in the category of SARS virus which badly affects the respiratory system. Some other diseases which commonly comes in our daily life situation will have the same effect like the other deadliest diseases. mentioned above. which include HEART DISEASE It occurs when the blood vessels that supply blood to the heart become narrowed. Prevention
• STROKE It occurs when an artery in the brain is blocked or ruptured by an accident or any trauma. Prevention i. Control high blood pressure with medication or surgery. ii. Maintain a regular exercise. iii. Maintain a healthy diet with low sodium. • CHRONIC OBSTRUCTIVE PULMONARY DISEASE (COPD) Which is long term progressive lung disease that make berating difficult. Prevention i. Stop smoking and to avoid second hand smoke ii. use preventive masks those who are working in factories. • LOWER RESPIRATORY INFECTIONS. Which includes infections in our airways and lungs. It can be due to a. Influenza b. Pneumonia c. Bronchitis d. Tuberculosis Prevention i. Take vaccines for pneumonia. ii. Wash your hands regularly. iii. Avoid touching your face and nose. WHO Guidelines to prevent diseases. What is WHO? The world health organization is a specialized agency of the united nations responsible for international public health. Preventive measures after WHO Simple infection prevention actions such as hand hygiene are important to ensure patient safety in several health care delivery situations. Through integrated strategy infection, prevention, and control also significantly contribute to other priorities such as stopping the spread of antimicrobial resistance and outbreak. Overall hand hygiene and infection prevention control ensure quality of care in the context of universal health coverage. Overview So the outcome of above information which include disease prevention is a procedure through which individual. Particularly those with risk factors for a disease are treated in order to prevent a disease from occurring. Treatment normally begins either before signs and symptoms of the disease occur or shortly thereafter. Treatment can include patient education, lifestyle modification and the drugs. So the statement as we said before will be worthy - "PREVENTION IS BETTER THAN CURE".