എൻ.എസ്.എസ്.എച്ച്.എസ്. ചൊവ്വള്ളൂർ/അക്ഷരവൃക്ഷം/The Dangerous Corona

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The Dangerous Corona

King Corona, king Corona, we beg for
your mercy
Please spare us from your ungrateful
you have sucked the blood of many, like a
wild snake
To arrest you, our government, how much
effort it did take!
You currish serpent, who is adamant and
Your bloodthirsty jaws of a lion will be
chained for sure!
Your birthplace was Wuhan, and you
reproduced everywhere
Freedom from your rule is what we
currently wish
You have become a rapid-evolving
To stop you, we will try our best to find a
Beware , virus, you may be a king or a
But we shall never be treated as your
In India, Italy,(etc) and not forgetting to
recall China
You have been an awareness in and
around social media
IMMPOSIBLE is for those who do not try
Even though you win the war, at your
kness we will not cry