Ssk17:Homepage/കഥാരചന-ഇംഗ്ലീഷ്(എച്ച്.എസ്.എസ്)/ഒന്നാം സ്ഥാനം

16:11, 21 ജനുവരി 2017-നു ഉണ്ടായിരുന്ന രൂപം സൃഷ്ടിച്ചത്:- Latheefkp (സംവാദം | സംഭാവനകൾ) ('{{BoxTop | തലക്കെട്ട്=കഥാരചന-ഇംഗ്ലീഷ്-HSS }} '''THE PHOENIX FROM ASHES...' താൾ സൃഷ്ടിച്ചിരിക്കുന്നു)
        "Good morning ma'am. Today I'm here to interview or to talk with you for sometime"the intervwier said with a bright smile. "How do you feel ma'am on this auspiuous day?"."Really great , I feel very happy and I'm very glad to be with you." Never replied.".So ma'am your experiences brought you her,so can you please share it with us?"the interviwer asked with a twinkle in his eyes."Sure,my life is my teacher.There were always new problems, knowledge and new people. But for my family I was the unwanted........"
        Neenu was born to a middle class family. Her parents had long waited for her to be her nine years elder sister's companion.But the day she was born didn't make her father happy. The only rean was that she couldn't be like her father wanted her to be,she was handicapped. Neenu was born only with two hands.She had no legs. Moreover she lost her mohter on the same day she was born. So right from the begning Neenu was a piece of unluckiness for her family.
        Neenu was sent to a disablity center beacause her father hated her face. He sent her fees and money for her needs. At school, when hostelers went home for vacations Neenu had to stay back at the hostel. Neenu cried at her beds and,dreamt of her father and sister. She really missed her family. When others had phone calls fron home,Neenu watched with grief. She longed for a phone call or a visit.
        Though she was different from others,Neenu was a bright student. She completed her primary and high school education with great achievements .It was after her twelth exams that everything changed. The center was only for disabled studnets upto their twelth calss.The wardon rang up to Neenu's father,"sir,Neenu has completedher exams, so now you can take her back and send her for higher studies."But her results are not yet published. So let she stay there till har results come." "Fine let it be so. "Sir would youlike to talk to Neenu? The rays of hope and happiness spread to Neenu's face. She picked up her phone and said"He...Hello!". But she only heard "Ting...Ting...Ting..." The callwas dropped. Neenu turned her wheelchair when the wardon said " your dad will pick you after your results are published". The shadow of dismay was moved from her face and a flash of of happiness spread on her faceas she muttered "Thank you GOD."
        At last the day arrived,the results were published. Neenu felt very nervous. For the first time Neenu felt great uneasiness sitting on the wheelchair. THe wardon had her her eyes stuck on the computer .Everyone waited eagelry. The sister's eyes grew small,her forehead wrinkled and suddenly she yelled,"Bravo.... Neenu has passed with A+ in all subjects. Congrats Neenu." Neenu was statrled. Her soul jumped from the wheelchair with joy. All she could do was laugh as loud she could. Everyone eas happy and congratulated her. Suddenly all was interupted with a call. It was Neenu's father. He was coming for her 
        Neenu's father arrived. Neenu was brought downstairs on her wheelchair. The car started and they were moving Neenu cleared her throat and said,"Pa..Papa, I have secured A+ in all subjects,so can you please send me for civil service coaching.? Please I want to study furthur. "Shut up!" her father yelled. Do you think there are people to teach people like you.Can't just die for GOD'S sake?" Neenu was shocked at her father's reply. She didn't knew what to do. She was afraid. Tears poured out her eyes.
        Finally they reached home. The whole family had assembled. Everyone had a bad,cruel,and cunning face. Neenu felt like she had moved from heaven to a giant den. Amidst the cruel eyes she found a calm, kind and loving eyes running towards her. It was her sister. Neenu had the first glance of her never seen sister. Her sister, Rita came and comforted her on the wheelchair.Forthe first time inlife Neenu wished she could stand and hug her sister. Her sister took her to the room, changed her up and talked to her. 
        Meanwhile downstairs there was a great assembly going bon about the next step in Neenu's life. Everyone advised her father to sendher to orphanage. But then a voice rose up. It was Rita. She spoke up,"Neenu wishes to writethe civil service exams. There is a coaching centre near my office. So I will take care of her. I booked a house there. We are moving on"."Rita what rubbish are you speaking. Do you think it's easy?. So keep quiet. We elders will take decisions". Her father screamed out. Rita replied, "I'm sorry father . I'm not going to change my decisions. I'll take her even if i have to leave the family." After great pressure from Rita and discussions her father agreed.
        Three years Neenu was with her sister. For her Rita was like a mother They were togather and so life was going happy and smooth. Neenu passed 
in the tests and she was selected for the interview at Delhi.Her sister took her to Delhi.  She attended her interview very  well. Her sister had become her strength. Rita's support boosted Neenu. Neenu felt like she was precieving her goals with ease. These had become the happiest days in her life. Rita had passed the interview. She wrote the last exams.
        The results were yet to be  published. On the day the results was to be published ,Rita woke up Neenu early and she was dressed up. Rita said "Today we are going for a journey to the place where you have to be when your result is published". Neenu was in dilemma. They got into the car. Neenu fell asleep. She woke up by Rita. She opened her eyes and saw the house. The house which first looked like a den to her. Rita got her down from the car. They entered the house. Neenu was shocked to see he father in grey hair. He was about to talk when Rita interupted. "Papa, I don't know why you hate her. Maybe she is not like my physically. But today , do you know, she is greater than me. She has passed her exams with 2nd rank in the forst attempt. She is an IAS officer." Neenu and her father looked at Rita with a startle. Tears rolled down the father's check. Rita continued. "Papa , she is your gem. There is time  left. Accept her. She is our mother's loving gift."Her father knelt on his knees. He embrassed Neena. Neena burst out into tears.She first time experienced the loving care and humble love of a father. 
        Tears rolled down the interviwer's cheek as he said "Ma'am you arereally a supernova who overcame your disease or disablity not  only to be  an IAS officer but also to regain what you lost. Thankyou ma'am for bring with us " Thankyou viewers. "Neena bowed  her head in gratitude as she  moved back with her father and Rita.

11, [[{{{സ്കൂൾ കോഡ്}}}|{{{സ്കൂൾ}}}]]
HS വിഭാഗം കഥാരചന-ഇംഗ്ലീഷ്-HSS
സംസ്ഥാന സ്കൂള്‍ കലോത്സവം-{{{വർഷം}}}

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