The Mathematics Club gives opportunities to the students to show their mathematical skills. The main objective of the club is to explore Mathematics beyond text books and apply it in day-to-day situations. It is an attempt to provide opportunities for experimental learning for the students. The club conducts competitions which give opportunities to the students to solve challenging questions, puzzles and riddles. The teachers can encourage the students for participating in the Mathematics Fair conducted every year in the Schoollevel, Sub District Level, District Level, State Level and even in the Southern India Science Fair. Mathematics Club plays an important role in motivating the students to learn Mathematics with interest and involvement.
The Mathematics Club inculcates the habit of self study and independent work among the students. It developes heuristic and problem solving attitude in the students.
The acivities of our Mathematics club usually being inaugurated by an Honoured Personality in the second week of June of the Accdemic Year. The meeting will be conducted in the lunch break of every Friday. In the first meeting The Student Convener two assistants are being selected,and they help the teachers to arrange the meeting every week.
Students are asked to present puzzles, seminar, contribution of Mathematicians, Models which are working or still, Projects, Quiz programmes, Introduction of Magic Squares,etc. In one meeting 3 or 4 students can present their Items. Every student participating in an item will be given a gift voucher for encouraging them. Competitions are being held to select the children for the various items included in the Mathematics Fair. The Ganitha Pookkalam is a competition for selecting a child for Geometrical Chart competition in the Maths Fair and also for Making the Athappokkalam in front of our school for the Onam celebration. All these activities help our children to increase their interest in Mathematics and skills in curricular and non-curricular activities.
The Mathematics Club activities helped the children to become the Champions of Mathematics Fair in the High School section in the Sub District Level since the academic year 2014-15. Also the Group Project item got the First Prize in the State Level for two times (2014-15,2016-17), the Second Prize(2015-16) in the State Level one time and the Single Project item got third in the State Level in 2015-16 and First in 2016-17. They also got Gold Medals and Cash prizes from the Govt. of Kerala. The Sreenivasa Ramanujan Memorial Paper Presentation is a Master piece item of our school since we get continuously selection for the State level Competitions.
Inauguration of a Mathematics club by Sree Mohandas sir, under the leadership of our great Raji teacherNeethu Sachithanand and Manju presenting Group project at Ganitha Sasthra Parishad, KottayamGopika and Krisnaprabha presenting Group project at Ganitha Sasthra Parishad, KottayamAs the number of sides increases, the polygon uproaches to the circleIs the ultimate goal of polygons Circle?Newspaper report about the awards and certificatesRaji V G Teacher receiving The Sreenivasa Ramanujan Award for the Best Teacher from Kerala Ganitha Sasthra Parishad,KottayamThe Best Teacher Guide Award to Devapriya teacher by Ganitha Sasthra Parishad, KottayamAt the Southern India Science Fair inTrissur Ganesh and Umanath participated in the Group Project 2014-2015Ganesh and Umanath receives Prizes at the SISF in Trissur distributed by Viswesvarayya Sciece Museum,BangaloreThe State First Items Group Project by Vishnu and Arjun; Single project by Govind Bhat;Working model by Sarath(A grade);and Ramanuja Paper Presentation by Nandakishore(State Level, Second)Subdistrict Level Mathematics Fair Championship 2016-17Participation in the SISF PuthucherryGroup project by Vishnu and ArjunSISF INAUGURATION at the School, PuducherryNandakishore M Pai who won Second prize in the State Level Sreenivasa Ramanujan Paper Presentation, receives trophy from the PTA presidentFelicitated the Junior Judges by maths club membersAt the competition timeGovind Bhat at the competition timeGeethu Sachidanand and Sidhivinayaka Mallya got Second Prize in Group Project and Goviind Bhat got Third prize in the State level Competition 2015-16News paper Report about the State Level Prizes in 2015-16The Prize amount got at the State level Competition was directly given to the Flood affected people in ChennaiDistribution of Certificates to the winners of Subdistrict level Mathematics FairDistrict Level Winners of Maths Fair in 2017-18. Group Project by Suneethy S Shenoy and Athira; Number Chart by Rohini;Pure Costruction by Utham;and Ramanujan Paper Presentation by Vinayak in 2017-18. all got A grade in the State level competitionAll got A grade in Sreenivasa Ramanujan Memorial Paper Presentation Competition inthe State Level in different years. Nandakishore M Pai got second prize in the State LevelVinayak got A grade in the State level and got Certificate MedalJudges distributing Certificates and BooksVinayak at the time of Competition at the State Level,in 2018Subdistrict Level Mathematics Fair Champions and Bhaskaracharya Seminar by Aravid S Bhat got selection for State Level. Also Adithya Anil Bhat got A grade in the State Level Competition in 2018-19The First Mathematics workshop was inaugurated by JyothiBai TeacherSreelakshmi P Prabhu gives Tasks of Art using Maths ShapesMathematics one day workshop. Sreelakshmi P. Prabhu gives Task using Mathematical shapes to the students of Std.9Mathematics one day workshop.Vedavathi S Mallya is giving Task using GeogebraPictures drawn by Harikrishna M PChildren in different types of Tasks in Maths workshopTasks by Sreshta S Shenoy- Ideas using Paper cuttingsTasks using Identities by Adithya Anil BhatChildren in different Task at the time of WorkshopTask by Harikrishna M P Drawing different MathematiciansTask given by Swaroop S using staright linesPascal's Triangle by Govinda Pai and Drawings of Mathematicians by Harikrishna M PImproving maths skills, in Sradha classChildren involved in different Maths activities in Sradha classImproving Arithmetic and Geometric skills in Sradha classInside our Maths labInside our Maths lab in a different lookGanitha geetham, in Ganitha mikavuTrophies for the WinnersA,Mathematics club meetingRamanuja paper presentation by Adithya Anil Bhat,2019 which won First in Sub district level and A grade in the District levelAmrutha Is presenting Other chart which won first in Sub district levelOther chart by Amrutha,The Heronian TrianglesOther chartAravindS Bhat is presenting Single project which won First in Sub district level and A grade in the District levelThe models used in the Single projectThe Number chart Sreerama chakra and its specialities by BhagyalakshmyThe Number chartThe Working Model by Govinda Pai G which won First prize in the Sub District Level and Third Prize in the District LevelThe Working ModelThe cube folded in another wayGovindS is presenting his Still ModelTHe Still Modddel Dome by Govind SDomes by Govind SFlower in a Hexagon by Harikrishna M PBUTTERFLY IN A HEXAGONHarikrishna participated in the Subdistrict level and won First and won Fifth place in the District levelSreshta S Shenoy presenting Group projectVedavathi S Mallya presenting The model in the Group projectVedavathi S Mallya presenting the Chart of Group projectSreshta S Shenoy and Vedavathi S Mallya presenting the Group project which won First in the Sub district level and Third in the District levelSwaroop S presenting Pure Construction which one second in Sub Distriict levelPure Construction showing Regular PolygonsSpectrum of Regular PolygonsShamkrishna explaining Applied Construction, which won Second Prize in the Sub District Level, First in the District Level and B Grade in the State LevelApplied Construction: the question is about the place of The Power Plant for Three citiesA Get together with Junior Judges with the Winners of Mathematics FairAdithya Anil Bhat expressing gratitude to the Junior judges who helped for their achievements in the Maths FairAswin congratulating the participants and the Winners of Maths Fair,2019