"Ssk17:Homepage/ഉപന്യാസം-ഇംഗ്ലീഷ്(എച്ച്.എസ്.എസ്)/രണ്ടാം സ്ഥാനം" എന്ന താളിന്റെ പതിപ്പുകൾ തമ്മിലുള്ള വ്യത്യാസം

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('{{BoxTop | തലക്കെട്ട്= Words make successful Man }} <nowiki> Human beings evolved and became...' താൾ സൃഷ്ടിച്ചിരിക്കുന്നു)
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വരി 3: വരി 3:
  <nowiki>          Human beings evolved and became what we are today after prolonged efforts and perseverence. Being a social animal, sharing ideas became a necessity and communication of different forms originated. It was during this time, different dialects and scripts evolved. Today we stand among a generation in which words, language and script can even decide who a person is. The kind of words we use, the situation and the multiple meaning of a word are taken into accout for the above mentioned.  
  <nowiki>          Human beings evolved and became what we are today after prolonged efforts and perseverence. Being a social animal, sharing ideas became a necessity and communication of different forms originated. It was during this time, different dialects and scripts evolved. Today we stand among a generation in which words, language and script can even decide who a person is. The kind of words we use, the situation and the multiple meaning of a word are taken into accout for the above mentioned.  
Successful personalities and world leaders have made use of the word power to inspire and educate the masses. Everyday, new words are added to a never ending list of dictionaries. But, what are words? is it merely a combination of same letters arranged in  various orders and patterns? Well, the answer is yes and no. But words have the power to captivate and change human kind. The same words arranged in different ways have both initiated and ended wars. Words hold emotions. It makes us cry, makes us laugh and some times leaves us in trance.
Studies show that a baby inside mother's womb is capable of understanding the outside world. Docters recomend to talk to new borns. Thus every human is exposed to the world of knowledge through words from a very young age. We learn to put our emotions and feelings in words as we grow up, we become expert wordsmiths. We learned to use the different languages and with multiple meanings. In schools, students get introdused to both academic and fictional writings. we learn letters that form words and later form sentences and paragraphs. Slowly the world of knowledge opens its door. Today the majority of jobs require a good communication skill.
          Successful personalities and world leaders have made use of the word power to inspire and educate the masses. Everyday, new words are added to a never ending list of dictionaries. But, what are words? is it merely a combination of same letters arranged in  various orders and patterns? Well, the answer is yes and no. But words have the power to captivate and change human kind. The same words arranged in different ways have both initiated and ended wars. Words hold emotions. It makes us cry, makes us laugh and some times leaves us in trance.
Words are not only for education or knowledge purposes. Words shape a man. It fulfills our thirst, makes relations and moreover it satisfies human needs. We all know words. It's said that words are a neccessity. Then why are some people successful while others are not. For an individual, success not only lies in his or her achivements. But success is a feeling from within. Bibliophiles say that they feel successful when they read books, some people say they dont feel successful unless their destiny is is fulfilled. Whatever success means to a person, words make a successful man. The diifference is the average vocabulary of a successful person can differ from thet of an unsuccessful person. Words create a lasting impression. As a student, a question we all encounter is "what are your future plans?" and most of us answer it with "I like to be ....". But think about the difference "I want to be..." and "I'm an aspiring...." can make. It convays the same idea, but there is a difference in the impression created. We read numorous books, both fiction and non-fiction from the vast veriety of genres. But why are some books our favorites and some are not. Is it only because of the plot or idea? Well it is something we should think about. The language used can create a great impact. Professors , psychologists , authors, reporters are a few among who make use of word power in a direct way.  
An individual's character formation takes place to a great extend from the age of 15. And he or she is a result of the experience of words she recieved. A person using cursed words at a young age has the tendency to use it in later life too. Like trends in fashion, there are trends in words too. People opt easier words and abbrevations to express the idea. With the coming of social media , there had been a grand change in the language we use. For example, "I want to " became "I wanna"  and "got to" became "gotta". Use of phrasal verbs and informal usage hiked. With all those information and vocabulary increasing, studies show that the human brain is also evolving. Studying a knew language is also proved to even prevent Alzhimer's . So what are we waiting for? Read as many books as possible, involve in conversations, write down the words you know in patterns that make sense. A powerful vocabulary is something that can never be stolen. Incorporate more powerful words and thus be a positive person. Let our words and virtue match, and contribute something to the world. Ernest Hemingway wrote a microstory that make us think that whether it is actually necessary  to know a lot of word. It goes like this "Baby shoes, for sale; never worn". Six words told us a story. Be like Malala, be like Martin Luther King, be like James Joyce, Be like Rumi. But morover be you. Use the uncontrollable word power and let us also change the world like them.</nowiki>                     
          Studies show that a baby inside mother's womb is capable of understanding the outside world. Docters recomend to talk to new borns. Thus every human is exposed to the world of knowledge through words from a very young age. We learn to put our emotions and feelings in words as we grow up, we become expert wordsmiths. We learned to use the different languages and with multiple meanings. In schools, students get introdused to both academic and fictional writings. we learn letters that form words and later form sentences and paragraphs. Slowly the world of knowledge opens its door. Today the majority of jobs require a good communication skill.
          Words are not only for education or knowledge purposes. Words shape a man. It fulfills our thirst, makes relations and moreover it satisfies human needs. We all know words. It's said that words are a neccessity. Then why are some people successful while others are not. For an individual, success not only lies in his or her achivements. But success is a feeling from within. Bibliophiles say that they feel successful when they read books, some people say they dont feel successful unless their destiny is is fulfilled. Whatever success means to a person, words make a successful man. The diifference is the average vocabulary of a successful person can differ from thet of an unsuccessful person. Words create a lasting impression. As a student, a question we all encounter is "what are your future plans?" and most of us answer it with "I like to be ....". But think about the difference "I want to be..." and "I'm an aspiring...." can make. It convays the same idea, but there is a difference in the impression created. We read numorous books, both fiction and non-fiction from the vast veriety of genres. But why are some books our favorites and some are not. Is it only because of the plot or idea? Well it is something we should think about. The language used can create a great impact. Professors , psychologists , authors, reporters are a few among who make use of word power in a direct way.  
          An individual's character formation takes place to a great extend from the age of 15. And he or she is a result of the experience of words she recieved. A person using cursed words at a young age has the tendency to use it in later life too. Like trends in fashion, there are trends in words too. People opt easier words and abbrevations to express the idea. With the coming of social media , there had been a grand change in the language we use. For example, "I want to " became "I wanna"  and "got to" became "gotta". Use of phrasal verbs and informal usage hiked. With all those information and vocabulary increasing, studies show that the human brain is also evolving. Studying a knew language is also proved to even prevent Alzhimer's . So what are we waiting for? Read as many books as possible, involve in conversations, write down the words you know in patterns that make sense. A powerful vocabulary is something that can never be stolen. Incorporate more powerful words and thus be a positive person. Let our words and virtue match, and contribute something to the world. Ernest Hemingway wrote a microstory that make us think that whether it is actually necessary  to know a lot of word. It goes like this "Baby shoes, for sale; never worn". Six words told us a story. Be like Malala, be like Martin Luther King, be like James Joyce, Be like Rumi. But morover be you. Use the uncontrollable word power and let us also change the world like them.</nowiki>                     

21:37, 20 ജനുവരി 2017-നു നിലവിലുണ്ടായിരുന്ന രൂപം

Words make successful Man
          Human beings evolved and became what we are today after prolonged efforts and perseverence. Being a social animal, sharing ideas became a necessity and communication of different forms originated. It was during this time, different dialects and scripts evolved. Today we stand among a generation in which words, language and script can even decide who a person is. The kind of words we use, the situation and the multiple meaning of a word are taken into accout for the above mentioned. 
          Successful personalities and world leaders have made use of the word power to inspire and educate the masses. Everyday, new words are added to a never ending list of dictionaries. But, what are words? is it merely a combination of same letters arranged in  various orders and patterns? Well, the answer is yes and no. But words have the power to captivate and change human kind. The same words arranged in different ways have both initiated and ended wars. Words hold emotions. It makes us cry, makes us laugh and some times leaves us in trance.
          Studies show that a baby inside mother's womb is capable of understanding the outside world. Docters recomend to talk to new borns. Thus every human is exposed to the world of knowledge through words from a very young age. We learn to put our emotions and feelings in words as we grow up, we become expert wordsmiths. We learned to use the different languages and with multiple meanings. In schools, students get introdused to both academic and fictional writings. we learn letters that form words and later form sentences and paragraphs. Slowly the world of knowledge opens its door. Today the majority of jobs require a good communication skill.
          Words are not only for education or knowledge purposes. Words shape a man. It fulfills our thirst, makes relations and moreover it satisfies human needs. We all know words. It's said that words are a neccessity. Then why are some people successful while others are not. For an individual, success not only lies in his or her achivements. But success is a feeling from within. Bibliophiles say that they feel successful when they read books, some people say they dont feel successful unless their destiny is is fulfilled. Whatever success means to a person, words make a successful man. The diifference is the average vocabulary of a successful person can differ from thet of an unsuccessful person. Words create a lasting impression. As a student, a question we all encounter is "what are your future plans?" and most of us answer it with "I like to be ....". But think about the difference "I want to be..." and "I'm an aspiring...." can make. It convays the same idea, but there is a difference in the impression created. We read numorous books, both fiction and non-fiction from the vast veriety of genres. But why are some books our favorites and some are not. Is it only because of the plot or idea? Well it is something we should think about. The language used can create a great impact. Professors , psychologists , authors, reporters are a few among who make use of word power in a direct way. 
          An individual's character formation takes place to a great extend from the age of 15. And he or she is a result of the experience of words she recieved. A person using cursed words at a young age has the tendency to use it in later life too. Like trends in fashion, there are trends in words too. People opt easier words and abbrevations to express the idea. With the coming of social media , there had been a grand change in the language we use. For example, "I want to " became "I wanna"  and "got to" became "gotta". Use of phrasal verbs and informal usage hiked. With all those information and vocabulary increasing, studies show that the human brain is also evolving. Studying a knew language is also proved to even prevent Alzhimer's . So what are we waiting for? Read as many books as possible, involve in conversations, write down the words you know in patterns that make sense. A powerful vocabulary is something that can never be stolen. Incorporate more powerful words and thus be a positive person. Let our words and virtue match, and contribute something to the world. Ernest Hemingway wrote a microstory that make us think that whether it is actually necessary  to know a lot of word. It goes like this "Baby shoes, for sale; never worn". Six words told us a story. Be like Malala, be like Martin Luther King, be like James Joyce, Be like Rumi. But morover be you. Use the uncontrollable word power and let us also change the world like them.                     

12, [[{{{സ്കൂൾ കോഡ്}}}|{{{സ്കൂൾ}}}]]
HSS വിഭാഗം ഉപന്യാസം-ഇംഗ്ലീഷ്-HSS
സംസ്ഥാന സ്കൂള്‍ കലോത്സവം-{{{വർഷം}}}

[[Category:{{{വർഷം}}}ലെ സൃഷ്ടികൾ]][[Category:{{{സ്കൂൾ കോഡ്}}} സ്കൂളിലെ കുട്ടികളുടെ സൃഷ്ടികൾ]][[Category:സംസ്ഥാന സ്കൂള്‍ കലോത്സവം {{{വർഷം}}}]][[Category:സംസ്ഥാന സ്കൂള്‍ കലോത്സവം-{{{വർഷം}}}ൽ HSS വിഭാഗം ഉപന്യാസം-ഇംഗ്ലീഷ്-HSS ഇനത്തിൽ തയ്യാറാക്കിയ രചനകൾ]] [[Category:സംസ്ഥാന സ്കൂള്‍ കലോത്സവം-{{{വർഷം}}}ൽ HSS വിഭാഗം തയ്യാറാക്കിയ രചനകൾ]][[Category:{{{സ്കൂൾ കോഡ്}}}]]