സെന്റ്. അഗസ്റ്റിൻസ് ജി.എച്ച്.എസ്. കുഴുപ്പിള്ളി/അക്ഷരവൃക്ഷം/Health is Wealth
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-- ലേഖനം -Health is Wealth -->
Peace and happiness is also needed for being healthy. It means that, more wealth and more happiness cannot lead to good health. But sufficient happiness and peace can result health. So it is justified that “ Health is Wealth”. And wealth is not health. Try to earn some money for our health. Do not spoil our health for earning more wealth. All of us are very familiar with the proverb “ Health is Wealth”. In this proverb we understand the value of health. But we always try very much to acquire wealth. This world today is pointing to our quality of life.The world of today is struggling to cope with the sickness of covid-19. Covid-19 which spread across the globe captured thousand lives. Today everyone is shaking hands against this covid-19 that shook the world. This is when many people realize that our own health is greater and more valuable than the wealth we each have. One must understand the truth that not every savings is big enough. We all are at a state of madness to achieve and satisfy our hunger of money. Health is not cared while leading one's target of becoming rich.We care much for our health only when we start losing health and enters into home of illness. Until this stage money was coming smartly and after becoming ill money starts to drain.That means there should be a balance in maintaining health and wealth in our life business. Health is above all priorities. First of all we try to know what biggest, diseases are; which affects us and finally damage our life.
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