സെന്റ്.ഫിലോമിനാസ് എച്ച്.എസ്. കൂനമ്മാവ്/അക്ഷരവൃക്ഷം/The Challenge with CORONA
The Challenge with CORONA
Corona virus is the most harmful virus the world had ever experienced till now... The Corona had put up a challenge with us and he think that we would fail. So he tries his level best to defeat us. But we also try our best. But we are not trying to beat it. Instead we are trying to reduce his affect. If a man need to be successful he should face the challenges with courage and should face the challenge face to face other than fighting by hiding. Now we are only trying to be safe from it but we are not make it finish. We should accept any challenge given by anyone at anytime and that is the spirit.We should get rid of it. By gathering courage we can won the challenge given by CORONA,the harmful virus. By this we can change the name as CORONA,the beatable virus!All the best to everyone.
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