ജി.ജി.വി.എച്ച്.എസ്സ്.എസ്സ്. നെന്മാറ/അക്ഷരവൃക്ഷം/LIFE AFTER COVID-19
INTRODUCTION: The whole world is reeling under hands of corona virus. Millions of people have died and day by day deaths toll are increasing. All countries are struggling to fight against corona virus (covid-19). Countries’ economics activities are stand still. The WHO (world health organization) and UNO (United Nations Organization) warns future is gloom and poverty will increase in many countries. ECONOMICAL PROBLEMS: Virus spreads through contacts. Hence, Countries imposed Lockdown to avoid people contact. Due to this lockdown, Agriculture, Manufacturing and all business activities have been stopped. People lost their jobs and unemployment increased. People under poverty line are struggling dying for food. Also commodity prices are increasing due to lack of transportation. People have to pay high prices to buy things. People’s earnings and savings is melting down. Moreover, the Economic consequences of this prolonged lockdown are likely to be colossal and immensely painful. HEALTH PROBLEMS: Corona Virus is the families of virus that ranges from the common cold to MERS corona virus, which is Middle East Respiratory syndrome corona virus and SARS, severe acute respiratory syndrome corona virus. Corona virus spread through Sneezing, Handshake, Cough etc… Once it enters into the Human body, it attacks the throat cells and multiplies and enters other organs of our body. Our body’s immune system fight with this virus to protect our organs and cells. The symptoms of COVID-19 is dry cough, Fever, Head ache and sometimes diarrhea. Covid-19 attacks our respiratory system and lungs. If the immune systems are weak the person who suffered with Covid-19 will die due to lungs failure or cardiac attack. INDIA FEIGHT AGAINST COVID-19. Our sincere thanks to our Prime Minister Shri. Narendra Modi ji and our Chief Minister Shri Pinaray Vijayan who acted promptly and announced lockdown on time to protect our people from COVID-19. We Also grateful to our living Gods the Frontline Worriers to fight against Covid-19 are Doctors, Nurses, Health Sanitary workers, Police and Administrative staffs of Government of India. SAVE OUR LIFE FROM CORONA VIRUS: We have to save our life from killer Corona virus. We have to follow the Guidance given by WHO and Government of India to protect from Corona Virus attack. 1. Wash your hands at least 20 seconds by using Soap or Hand wash and Sanitizers. 2. Do not touch the face without washing hands. 3. Cover nose and mouth with homemade mask or hand kerchiefs or towels etc.. 4. Maintain minimum distance at least 3 feet each other. 5. If cold, cough and fever with headache immediately seek medical attention. 6. Stay home when you are sick. 7. Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue and dispose the tissue safely. 8. Keep in mind the travel advisory set out by the Ministry of Health and Welfare. STAY HOME&STAY SAFE
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