ഗവ..എച്ച്.എസ്.എസ് കുട്ടമ്പുഴ/എന്റെ ഗ്രാമം

Schoolwiki സംരംഭത്തിൽ നിന്ന്

School Name Ghss Kuttampuzha city/Village Kerala/ Ernakulam/ Kothamangalam/ Kuttampuzha Address kuttampuzha , kothamangalam , ernakulam , Kerala . PIN- 686681 , Post - Chelad Junction Public/Private Public Year Of EstablishMent 1961 Medium Malayalam Ghss Kuttampuzha is Malayalam Medium School , Located in kuttampuzha, kothamangalam Block and ernakulam District . it is Governement School . The exact Address of the schools is kuttampuzha , kothamangalam , ernakulam , Kerala . PIN- 686681 , Post - Chelad Junction . It is one of the Old School in this area . It is Established in 1961 Year . Total 51 batches completed in this School from past 51 years . Classes running in this is School are upto 12 th . And it is Co-educatinal School.



The village has a large area under thick forest. There is a significant tribal population in the village (17.2% of total population).

This village was part of Idukki district till 1998. Then the district borders were reorganised and the village was shifted to Ernakulam district. Following this Palakkad district became the largest district in Kerala followed by Idukki. This change also helped Ernakulam to share boundary with neighbouring state of Tamil Nadu, and to be a part of the Anamalais. Kuttampuzha panchayat was split with the formation of Edamalakkudy panchayat in 2010.


As of 2011 Census, Kuttampuzha village had a population of 24,799 with 12,554 males and 12,245 females. Kuttampuzha village spreads over an area of 448.05 km2 (172.99 sq mi) with 6,487 families residing in it. 10.3% of the population was under 6 years of age. Kuttampuzha had an average literacy of 89.4% higher than the national average of 74% and lower than state average of 94%: male literacy was 92% and female literacy was 86.7%.