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Students Activities.

National Education Day.

  • India celebrates National Education Day on November 11, every year to commemorate Maulana Abul Kalam Azad's birth anniversary.
  • He was the first Education Minister of independent India and is a prominent figure in the nation's education landscape.


Avanija R Soman Class 5

Moon Day

20 July was chosen as International Moon Day to honour the anniversary of the first landing of humans on the Moon.

This was accomplished by the Apollo 11 mission, during which Neil Armstrong and Edwin 'Buzz' Aldrin set foot on the Moon's surface as the first humans while Michael Collins awaited their return in the Columbia Command Module in Moon orbit.

Adithya Deeju, Vaiga. D class 7

This marked a historic feat in Moon exploration and paved the way for future research and discovery.

Athulya V class 6, Avanija R Soman class 5
Adwaith D, Suryanarayanan, Sivamsu class 5
Athul R class 7