എസ്. സി. എസ്. ഹയർസെക്കണ്ടറി സ്കൂൾ തിരുവല്ല/അക്ഷരവൃക്ഷം/ Climate Change- A wake up Call
Climate Change- A wake up Call
The climate of our planet is transforming at an alarming rate : rising sea level erratic rain and. Storms , natural disaster keep striking We hear from everywhere how essential it is to start doing things to save our planet .But people don't care because they still have this feeling that this will not affect them. It sounds absurd but if you come to think of it, that is exactly what it is. Due to our trespassing into land of the wild their peace has been disturbed and caused them to come out of their habitats, which has led to an increase in the number of predator attacks on humans. Because of our doings many species have become extinct and hundreds of others are on the verge of extinction. The main causes of climate change are overpopulation , deforestation increasing green house gas emission , etc. . This change of climate has helped breed many insects and germs, increasing the number of deaths due to diseases like ebola, sica covid-19. Many parts of the world are plagued by frequent floods, drought , storms, earthquakes, etc. And its high time that each one of us realise the importance of preserving the biodiversity of our planet. It is time we start doing things with a holistic approach. Sustainable developments should be made possible. For this each and every person should be made aware of the threats That rapid climate changes raise these things need to be started at school level - Young minds should be nurtured in this way. Let them out and see What mother nature has to show them. Stop Confining them to four walls and textbooks. If The next generation experiences the fascination all this may be they will feel the need to conserve them. Educate them & everyone on Eco-friendly development Environmental education should be made compulsory in the syllabus It should not become a small chapter at the back of science textbooks that teachers usually ignore It's not too late yet, we can still nurture our planet back to its former glory by finding more Eco-friendly fuel & planting more trees. Let's all realise that we have been doing all these while unite for creating a better day, a better day for the future generation. We may be able to find another planet in the universe that could sustain life orWe may be able to develop some technology to replace the current sources of energy. But none of it gives us the right destroy aplanet that has given as everything it has. For the continued extistence of human race let's preserve our planet.
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