ജി.യു.പി.സ്കൂൾ അരിയല്ലൂർ/അക്ഷരവൃക്ഷം/DEADLY PANDEMIC COVID 19
Covid 19 is an infectious disease caused by a newly discovered corona virus. It is the first pandemic in this century. First , it was named as novel corona virus. It was renamed as Covid 19 in February 2020.WHO announced it as a pandemic on 11th March 2020. It reported first at Wuhan(Hube) in China. Then it transmitted to other countries. Corona virus hits the major developed countries like America, Italy, Spain, France and UK very badly. In China they reported 82,830 cases and 4633 deaths. But Spain, Italy, France and UK reported more than 20000 deaths. But in America the death rate crosses 60000 and the cases reached 10 lakhs. All over the world more than 2 lakh people died and 30 lakh people affected by the virus. In india more than thirty thousand cases reported and more than 1000 people had lost their lives till now. Indian government declared lock down from March 24, 2020. It can avoid the community spread. So we can reduce the death rate. For this we should salute our health workers and police men who works without any rest. The first Covid case in India reported at Kerala, the student who came from Wuhan, China. But we fight against it very successfully. But after that many people came from foreign countries and it raised the cases. But the health workers prepared the proper route map and found out all contacts related to the diseased. It avoided the community spread. The best way to prevent and slow down the transmission by washing our hands with soap or use sanitizers , covering face with masks, keeping social distancing and protect yourself from other infections. We will fight against the deadly pandemic corona. Break the chain. Stay home, stay safe and save our nation.
- അക്ഷരവൃക്ഷം പദ്ധതിയിലെ സൃഷ്ടികൾ
- മലപ്പുറം ജില്ലയിലെ അക്ഷരവൃക്ഷം-2020 സൃഷ്ടികൾ
- പരപ്പനങ്ങാടി ഉപജില്ലയിലെ അക്ഷരവൃക്ഷം-2020 സൃഷ്ടികൾ
- അക്ഷരവൃക്ഷം പദ്ധതിയിലെ ലേഖനംകൾ
- മലപ്പുറം ജില്ലയിലെ അക്ഷരവൃക്ഷം ലേഖനംകൾ
- മലപ്പുറം ജില്ലയിലെ അക്ഷരവൃക്ഷം സൃഷ്ടികൾ
- പരപ്പനങ്ങാടി ഉപജില്ലയിലെ അക്ഷരവൃക്ഷം-2020 ലേഖനംകൾ
- മലപ്പുറം ജില്ലയിൽ 01/ 05/ 2020ന് ചേർത്ത അക്ഷരവൃക്ഷം സൃഷ്ടികൾ
- അക്ഷരവൃക്ഷം 2020 പദ്ധതിയിൽ നാലാം ഘട്ടത്തിൽ പരിശോധിച്ച സൃഷ്ടികൾ
- അക്ഷരവൃക്ഷം 2020 പദ്ധതിയിൽ നാലാംഘട്ടത്തിൽ പരിശോധിച്ച കഥ