The remarkable growth of technological progress has negative impact on the ecological state of our planet.the work of factories and plants and extractions of natural resources result in serious environment problems that call for radical actions for environment. Rehabitation and protection.The activities done by man is leading to the destruction of many beautiful natural places .now days people are building many big factories and more content of chemicalized acids are following out of it into rivers and ponds and the naturality of ponds and rivers must be losed.
Many acids are also release in atmosphere and it leads destruction to many building and such things .acids react with carbonate and it leads to the destruction.Acid rain is a form of rain which is a phenomenon formed as a result of these acids like sulphuric acid ets.there are many other effects because of it.green house effect.it is formed when the amount of carbon dioxide is increased .the average temperature of the earth will be increased when the amount of carbon dioxide increases. Increase in the average temperature of the earth is called glow warming.We,humans has to maintain these .we have to plant trees and other plants to control the pollution in it.we can only do it.otherwise it led destruction to all living creatures in earth.                              
അനീന ഫർസാന
9 C എ.എം.എച്ച്.എസ്സ്.പൂവമ്പായി
ബാലുശ്ശേരി ഉപജില്ല
അക്ഷരവൃക്ഷം പദ്ധതി, 2020