എം.സി.എം.എച്ച്.എസ്.പട്ടിമറ്റം/അക്ഷരവൃക്ഷം/World Of Virus

Schoolwiki സംരംഭത്തിൽ നിന്ന്
21:45, 20 ഏപ്രിൽ 2020-നു ഉണ്ടായിരുന്ന രൂപം സൃഷ്ടിച്ചത്:- Anilkb (സംവാദം | സംഭാവനകൾ)
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World Of Virus

Virus is a cellular with only protein coat and the genetic material. It is a pathogen-causative organism of many dreaded diseases. It can't be destroyed easily. It can only live inside a live cell and it is inactive outside the cell. When it enter the host cell, it multiply using the material there and it multiply rapidly and destroy that cell. Then it enter new cells. Viruses can infect all types of life forms, from animals and plants to microorganisms, including bacteria and archea. There are so many type of virus:

Dengue Viruses:

Dengue viruses are spread to people through the bite of an infected aedes species mosquito. These mosquitos also spread zika, chikungunya and other viruses. Dengue is common in more than 100 countries around the world. Forty percent of the world's population. About 3 billion people live in areas with a risk of dengue. Dengue is often a leading cause of illness in areas with risk. Each year up to 400 million people get infected with dengue. Approximately 100 million people get sick from infection and 22000 die from sever dengue. Sever dengue can be life threatening within a few hours and often requires hospitalization. Mild symptoms of dengue can be confused with other illness that cause fever, aches and pain or a rash.

Chikungunya virus:

Chikungunya virus is spread to people by the bite of an infected mosquito. The most common symptoms of infection are fever and joint pain. Other symptoms may include headache, muscle pain, joint swelling or rash. In late 2013, chikungunya virus was found for the first time in the America’s on island in the Caribbean. There is no vaccine to prevent or medicine to treat chikungunya virus infection. When travelling to countries with chikungunya virus, use insect repellent wear long sleeves and pants, and stay in places with air conditioning or that use window and door screens.

Nipah virus:

Nipah virus infection in human causes a range of clinical presentations, form asymptomatic infection to acute respiratory infection and fatal encephalitis. Nipah virus can be transmitted to human from animals (such as bats or pigs) or contaminated foods and can also be transmitted directly from human-to-human. Fruit bats of the pteropodidae family are the natural host of Nipah virus. The primary treatment for human is supportive care. The risk of international transmission via fruits or fruit products contaminated with urine or saliva from infected fruit bats can be prevented by washing them thoroughly and peeling them before consumption. Fruit with signs of bat bites should be discarded.

Corona virus:

Corona virus disease is an infection disease caused by a newly discovered corona virus. Most people infected with the covid-19 virus will experience mild to moderate respiratory illness and recover without requiring special treatment. Older people and those with underlying medical problems like cardiovascular disease, diabetes, chronic respiratory disease and cancer are more likely to develop serious illness. The corona virus spreads primarily through droplets of saliva or discharge from the nose when an infected person coughs or sneezes, so it’s important that you also practice respiratory etiquette.

8A എം സി എം എച്ച് എസ്സ് എസ്സ്,പട്ടിമറ്റം
കോലഞ്ചേരി ഉപജില്ല
അക്ഷരവൃക്ഷം പദ്ധതി, 2020

 സാങ്കേതിക പരിശോധന - Anilkb തീയ്യതി: 20/ 04/ 2020 >> രചനാവിഭാഗം - ലേഖനം