Schoolwiki സംരംഭത്തിൽ നിന്ന്
t was a midnight,
in the land which retains cultural remnants of the past,
with the second largest chandelier
and the breathtaking beauty of Bishnupur.
The rhythms of Geethanjali and expressions of romanticism
and the inherent Folk music with a perfect balance;
All streamed in each curves of Bengal
in the refinement of Tagore's seamless lyrics!
I was unreservedly wakeful,
so I just stepped into the balcony
And there I noticed the deserted Kalighat
with no more elations and vibrations.
Just then my eyes penetrated to a few footsteps
and it escalated within a few seconds;
I catched a glimpse of hundreds of children-
newborn,teenager,bairn,moppet and many more..
I was startled to witness the youngsters crowd,
and I stepped out to watch them out.
But I was blocked by the receptionist,
who commanded me to go back to my pursuits.
Then I traversed to realize another Bengal,
far beyond the edict and interdiction of politics
A Land where mothers sell themselves
to feed the yearning insides of their children.
A land where those buds spent the the whole night
to let their forebearers suffer such struggles!
A land where bagul singers collect a few cadavers,
and reserve it in their homes to earn for the next meal.
Each heaps we swamp senses their feebleness,
and it takes birth in the same beholder of unity.
To a few hearts, hunger is not an appetite,instead
its the knot that let their souls existed!
Its not just a circumstance of charity,
but its the bone of contention of true Justice..