ജി.എച്ച്.എസ്.എസ്. വെള്ളൂർ/അക്ഷരവൃക്ഷം/The Boy Who Paint Leaves

Schoolwiki സംരംഭത്തിൽ നിന്ന്
11:05, 20 ഏപ്രിൽ 2020-നു ഉണ്ടായിരുന്ന രൂപം സൃഷ്ടിച്ചത്:- Kavileschool (സംവാദം | സംഭാവനകൾ) ('{{BoxTop1 | തലക്കെട്ട്= The Boy Who Paint Leaves <!-- തലക്കെട്ട് - സമ...' താൾ സൃഷ്ടിച്ചിരിക്കുന്നു)
The Boy Who Paint Leaves

No one knows who painted the leaves into violet.No one never made a mistake on painting leaves.Usually a leaf used to paint into green, yellow,orange and even in brown, but this is violet.this was a case reported on the woods today.woods was a fairy land which is situated inside the forest.The fairies inside this forest paint the flowers and leaves.It is their job to give colour to it in different intervals of time. But they must be careful on giving appropriate colour to each thing.

There is leader among themto check the coloures are absolutely right and there are no other mistakes.This was done by 'Kimberly' the fairy.They used to work in night only cause they are not suppose to be seen by humans.Fairies build this whole nature, they store sugar in fruits , they give colour and frangrance to this whole things in nature.They are the protectorsof this entire nature.

Sometimes they could talk to trees. It is just a short discription about woods.Our case is who paited the leaves in violet.It was not for the first time that the leaves has been paited into violet. It must be Elliot who paited the leaves into violet.At the last time he painted a cherry tree into blue and now he painted a maple tree into violet.Totally different work.Elliot was afairy boy who was a little one.He likes to paint leaves ,but every leaf he painted wrongly.So everyone said that if he did this mistake again men will definetly know their secret work so this could become a threat to their habitat.After making this much trouble where is Elliot?He is missing. No one know where is Elliot.

At this time Elliot was travelling to the southern hills where his grandpa lives, he is all alone there.Elliot knew that there willb any mistake on the leaves that he has painted.If everyone have seen Kimberly would have known this so she would never let him paint again.He couldn't take it if some one said that he was not suppose to paint again.So he thought better go somewhere.It will be great if he went to grandpa,Vivian.He would have a solution for his problem.He started his journey on the last night when finished painting on the maple leaves.He will now reach there in the evening.But there was a problem that he want to go through the spooky forest the place where the worst wicked witches and wizards live.No other way,he must take that way, all alone.He went on.He has a bag which was taken from his house while starting this journey, it conatains some cherries , blue berries and some apples and a red ruby which was his favorate stone.It will glow if it is dark so it will help him to go through darkness.Here is the pathway to the spooky forest,most frightening part.The time would be noon now ,the sun is bright as ever,but its still dark inside this forest

Elliot was travelling inside the spooky forest for the first time alone.Every time he comes with some one.Last time it was with Brooke ,his friend.He entered into the forest, the owls are making noice.He must find the 'tree' which is the secret way to the southern hill,for that he must follow the right path.But the wicked witches have changed the path and may have changed its direction.So must follow the straight path.Now Elliot is going forward inside the mysterious forest.There he could here a little voice, a strange voice ...Meaw...it must be a cat.Oh ..yes it is a cat.and hevspeaks too.Hai,my name is Spook,Spooky smoke.He was also from a magical land called 'lock wood' he was here to go to his friends house for delivering a message.He got some knowledge about that forest cause he have came there for a few times.Once for delivering his masters message to a witch and for meeting some friends , so that he knows some thing about that place.So its good for Elliot to have a company like this.So they began their journey together.On the way spook spoke about a wizard who is the most powerful onein this forest.Dawan he mastered almost every power.He will not allow any one to enter this forest without seeking his permission and he will be watch the minds of those who entered here like wise.So now things seem to be a little scary.Here is another voice, this must be the voice of a witch.Here on the top there is a witch who is travelling on her broomstick.Spook and Elliot hide behind a bush.The witch landed and plucked some mushrooms and began searching somthing.Spook and Elliot scared to death because if she saw them they will not see the out side world ever again.She came near the bush suddenly a mangoose ran behind her, she caught it and kept inside her cauldren and went back with a creepy laugh.They stayed some more time behind the bush.If that witch came back again,can't even imagine it.

After some times they came out from the bush.Now its time to find the path.They went straight,here we go its in their front,but there are two paths.whitch could be the right one?one at right side and one at left.But spook was not even tensed .He said that his master said that he must follow the path on the right side then they will be able to go to the place they want.so they went on.On the way they saw a cherry tree.Elliot said that I used to paint the leaves of trees and all about him and his problems.Spook was a little bit confused on hearing Elliot's story.How could some one forget the colours? Its impossible.Look at the cherry tree over here.Its leaves are in pink colourno other leaves has such abrilliant colour its the God himself who has given it a fabulous colour like this and no one could do better than him.

So we don't need to try to remember it, we need only to enjoyits beauty then we will never forget what we have seen.Here its Dawan's crow,it will defenitly report this to Dawon and we are done here.Elliot -try not to look back, run .Spook-Dawan will be here at any moment so we must be very careful.Ho..no..we lost our path,Spook-never mind its just simple we need only to look at our foot prints.But from this moment onwards we couldn't take the path ,because Dawan start searching on every path inside this forest.

8 ഡി ജി. എച്ച്. എസ്. എസ്. വെള്ളൂർ
പയ്യന്നൂർ ഉപജില്ല
അക്ഷരവൃക്ഷം പദ്ധതി, 2020