ജി.വി.എച്ച്.എസ്സ്.എസ്സ്. പയ്യോളി/അക്ഷരവൃക്ഷം/THE CROSSROADS MADE BY Mendeleev in the world of chemistry
THE CROSSROADS MADE BY Mendeleev in the world of chemistry
THE CROSSROADS MADE BY Mendeleev in the world of chemistry As we all know more over as a subject "Chemistry" is the scientific discipline involved with elements and compounds composed of atoms, molecules and ions and their composition, structure, properties, behavior and the changes they undergo during a reaction with other substances. In the light of the current outbreak of novel corona virus,i would like to say that chemistry has a key role to play in understanding everything from viral structure to pathogenesis, isolation of vaccines and therapies, as well as in the development of materials and techniques used by basic researchers, virologists and clinicians. This Virtual Issue aims to provide a brief overview of the important contributions of chemistry to understanding and controlling the spread of coronavirus in the light of our great chemist Mendeleev. Dmitriy Ivanovich Mendeleyev was born on 8 February 1834.He was a Russian chemist and inventor. He is best remembered for formulating the riodic Law and creating a farsighted version of the periodic table of elements. He used the Periodic Law not only to correct the then-accepted properties of some known elements,but also to predict the operties of eight elements that were yet to be discovered.Now we are going to take a look at the 6 major contributions of dmitri mendeleev in chemistry. #1 He wrote a renowned textbook on chemistry titled The "Principles of Chemistry" Dmitri Mendeleev was worried that chemistry in Russia was trailing behind the science in Europe. In 1861, to address the issue, he published a textbook named Organic Chemistry which won him the prestigious Domidov Prize and put him at the forefront of Russian chemical education. Mendeleev was one of the founders, in 1869, of the Russian Chemical Society. His renowned work Osnovy khimii (The Principles of Chemistry, 1868–71) was published in two volumes. The Principles of Chemistry became the definitive textbook on the subject at the time, ran through many editions and was widely translated.It was at that time that world started to know about him and his valuable contributions to chemistry. #2 He was first to publish a periodic table akin to the modern one Though several earlier attempts had been made to classify the chemical elements, the first person to arrange the elements in order of their relative atomic masses (then called atomic weights) and notice their periodicity was French geologist A.E.Béguyer de Chancourtois, who did so in 1862. However, as he used geological terms and as his chart included ions and compounds, his publication was ignored by chemists. Many other chemists made significant progress in the formulation of a periodic table, most notably John Newlands. However, it was Dmitri Mendeleyev who first published a periodic table similar to the modern one we use today, in 1869. German chemist Julius Lothar Meyer independently arrived at a periodic table similar to Mendeleev but he published it a year later. #3 Dmitri Mendeleev ndependently discovered the "periodic law" On 6 March 1869, Dmitri Mendeleev presented the first periodic table to the Russian Chemical Society. In his presentation, which was entitled The Dependence between the Properties of the Atomic Weights of the Elements, he described chemical elementsaccording to both atomic weight and valency. He stated several important points during the presentation including the Periodic law, which states that when elements are ordered according to their atomic weights, certain properties of elements repeat periodically.Mendeleev’s periodic table organized all known elements according to their atomic weightsand was a visual representation of the periodic law. Though other scientists, like Newlands, also noted periodicity of elements, the credit of the discovery is given Mendeleev and meyer.#4 He correctly predicted that atomic weights of some elements had been incorrectlycalculated Unlike other chemists, Mendeleev put the elements of the periodic table in their orrectplaces.<PR> At the time, atomic weights were determined by multiplying equivalent weight withvalency.Sometimes these were incorrect due to wrong valency assigned to an element.Like beryllium was given a valency of 3 due to which its atomic weight came out to be13.8. However Mendeleev said that the valency was 2 to fit it into the space between Liand B. Similarly, Mendeleev proposed that atomic weights of some elements had beenmeasured incorrectly and his predictions soon turned out to be true! He was wrong at thisat times because, though he had placed the elements in his table at their correct positions,it is atomic number and not atomic weight, that governs an element’s position in thePeriodic Table; but in most cases the two result in the same order.#5 Mendeleev correctly predicted the existence, and roperties, of yet undiscovered elements The most spectacular accomplishments of Mendeleev was that he not only left gaps inhis periodic table for elements which were not yet discovered but more importantlypredicted the properties of some of these elements and their compounds. Three of theseelements were discovered within 15 years while Mendeleev was alive. He had namedthem eka-aluminium, eka-boron and eka-silicon after the elements which they followed(eka = 1 in Sanskrit). In 1875, French chemist Paul-Émile Lecoq de Boisbaudran discovered gallium, predicted by Mendeleev as eka-uminium; in 1879 Swede Lars Nilson identified scandium, Mendeleev’s eka-boron; and in 1886, German Clemens Winklerdiscovered germanium, Mendeleev’s eka-silicon. After Mendeleev’s death, his dvi-manganese (dvi = 2 in Sanskrit) and eka-manganese, technetium and rhenium, werediscovered in 1926 and 1937 respectively.#6 Dmitri Mendeleev is considered the Father of the Periodic Table Though many other scientists made important contributions in the development of thePeriodic Table, Dmitri Mendeleev was the first chemist to use the trends in his periodictable to correctly predict the properties of missing elements, such as gallium andgermanium; and to ignore the order suggested by the atomic weights of the time, to betterclassify the elements into chemical families. Also, as his predictions started to come true,more and more people took notice of his work helping in establishing the importance of thePeriodic Table. Due to all these achievements, Dmitri Mendeleev is referred to as the Father of the Periodic Table. This is how the great dmitri ivanovich mendeleev became the greatest scientist and inventor in the world of Chemisry.And sadly he passed away on 2 february
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