സെന്റ് ജോൺസ് സിറിയൻ ഹയർ സെക്കന്ററി സ്‌ക്കൂൾ, വടകര/അക്ഷരവൃക്ഷം


"Every dark cloud has a silver lining"-In the year 2020 our world is moving through a critical situation.We,all the humans are fighting against an intense disease coveralled-19.All the nations in then world held their hands together to fight against corona virus. The first case of corona was reported from Wuhan, a densely populated city in China. And in India,the first case was reported from Thrissur in Kerala. This horror disease took away the life of many and many people are fighting against this disease in everyday.

In India the Prime minister 'Narendra Modi' proclaimed for the complete lock down of the country. It is a great way to reduce the spreading of the disease. The people should stay in their homes and also keep social distance. This is a sociable method for everyone. By staying at home we can protect ourselves and others."Break the chain'-the mission by Kerala government is an elegant way to reduce the spreading of the disease.We should follow the rules and regulations,which are providing by the government and authorities. While going out wear masks and use sanitizers. This small step make us heroes. Everyday the death rate of the corona affected patients bring tears i our eyes. Social distance is the best way to prevent this disease. Now,the list of recovering patients put a way of hope in our world .
'From the bitterness of disease man learns the sweetness of health'-be optimistic and obey the rules.Stay at home and save everyone's life.together we will collapse the bitter disease called COVID-19

ആത്മജ പി എം
XI A1 സെന്റ് ജോൺസ് സിറിയൻ ഹയർ സെക്കന്ററി സ്‌ക്കൂൾ, വടകര,കൂത്താട്ടുകുളം
കൂത്താട്ടുകുളം ഉപജില്ല
അക്ഷരവൃക്ഷം പദ്ധതി, 2020