Schoolwiki സംരംഭത്തിൽ നിന്ന്
As the quote says “It is time to make everything possible. Now, the people around the world is passing through the darkest phase of life. In this harmful situation people are returning back to the Mother Nature. Nature is a holy book to read. We have to read that book and receive lessons from it. Nature gives solutions to every problem that happen around us. The only one thing is we have to read it carefully and always remember the lessons from it and also act according to it. Each page of that book gave us different lessons. Whenever the people fell into a danger they remind about the Nature. Human being is the reason for every problems. We don’t think that every time Nature will help us. Nature also response to us. We destroy the purity and pleasure of Nature. We cut the trees and make papers from it. The parados thing behind this we write on that papers “SAVE TREES”.
Now, the corona virus is viral in the world. It proved that a minute virus can stop the moving world. Everyone is fighting to survive from the virus. The virus remind us that everything around us is so temperory. The work, gym, malls, theatres etc. are not permanent. At the end our own family and home will make us safe. Nowadays, we are living in a fastly moving world. The society is running for earning money and forgetting about our family and relationships. Family is more valuable than money and everything around us.
These lock down days said that the people are really reason behind the huge pollution of Nature. During the lock down days the amount of pollution is less. Corona virus did a great change in ecosystem in these days. In this situation all birds and animals around us are free to travel anywhere without any human threat. They got the complete freedom in this time. Some days before, we denied their freedom to travel and lock them in the cages. Today, we are in lock and they are travelling freely around us.
Before the lock down days the mind of man was full of money without enjoying the pleasure from the Nature. But now everything changed. We return to Nature and enjoy everything.
These days we have the time to watch the Nature, hear the Nature and also receive pleasure from the Nature. The busy schedule of life ended up. Everything changed in a single second. We are really trying to explore and enjoy happiness from the Nature.
These lock down days proved that everyone is equal. There is no boundaries between human. People are standing together to save the world from the crisis. There were inequalities and boundaries of caste, wealth, religion, etc. But now we are holding our hands and fighting against the virus to survive without these boundaries. It remembered us that when the people stand together we can survive any dark situation and challenges in life. Humanity is the only religion in the world. It gave the world the idea of “UNIVERSAL LOVE”. Through this ma learn the attitude, acceptance and adjustment.
As the quote of Verdile “LOVE CONQUER ALL THINGS”. Now it is the time to travel from ego consciousness to eco consciousness.
സാങ്കേതിക പരിശോധന - തീയ്യതി: 15/ 04/ 2020 >> രചനാവിഭാഗം - {{{തരം}}}
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