എ.എം.എൽ.പി.സ്കൂൾ കളത്തിങ്കൽപാറ /അക്ഷരവൃക്ഷം/ Important of cleanliness
Important of cleanliness
We should always keep clean cleanliness have great importance to lead a healthy life. Cleanliness means the state of clean of our body our cloths our food and our surroundings. To keep our body clean dress our food must be Clean. We should not drink contaminated water and we should not eat contaminating always clean we should not through surroundings Lack of cleanliness causes diseases most of the epidemic reaches to us through contaminated water and food. The unclean surrounding also causes diseases. Stagnated water causes breading of mosquitoes and they spread diseases like malaria. Human being unclear the threat of Corona virus. If we keep our body clean and if we keep soil distance can keep a way covid 19. So we should watch our hands and face using sanitisor or soaps.
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