ഗവ.വിഎച്ച്എസ്എസ് മാനന്തവാടി/അക്ഷരവൃക്ഷം/SAVING THE WORLD FROM DARKNESS

Schoolwiki സംരംഭത്തിൽ നിന്ന്
09:27, 25 ഏപ്രിൽ 2020-നു ഉണ്ടായിരുന്ന രൂപം സൃഷ്ടിച്ചത്:- 15006 (സംവാദം | സംഭാവനകൾ) ('{{BoxTop1 | തലക്കെട്ട്= SAVING THE WORLD FROM DARKNESS <!-- തലക്കെട്ട് -...' താൾ സൃഷ്ടിച്ചിരിക്കുന്നു)

I was walking through the forest. I was enjoying the beauty of nature: the sounds of birds chirping , music of the wind, murmering of leaves and everything. A cute little rabbit was staring at me. It didn't stay long as it ran away from me. Maybe the Bunny's mom would scold her for wandering around without telling her. I wondered if it has a school to go. I laughed aloud at my own thoughts! If someone sees me now they would think that I am crazy. Am I crazy? No, I am not... My thoughts was interrupted as I bumped into a wall. No..its not a wall...its a man. Come on! who would expect someone in the middle of the forest. But how come I expected a wall ? I chuckled at my own thoughts. "Sorry.." he muttered probably wondering why I chuckled. He was about to walk away when I got a glance of his face. Ok...he looks familiar. "Do I know you?" I asked. He looked like he didn't expect this. Wait... isn't he the famous environmentalist , Lalji. I think I thought that aloud as he asked me " Do you know me?" He probably wouldn't have expected a 11 year old to know him. I nodded. "Lalji, but aren't you gone missing?" I asked but he didn't reply. "Are you living here." but again he didn't answer me but started walking into the forest. I followed him eventhogh the thought of me being ignored made me angry. If he was living here, I have a good mind to knock some sence on his head, the need of atleast confirming that he is alive afterall there are rumours saying that he is dead. By now I was pretty sure that I had to face an angry mom when I reach home for wandering in the forest. How could I blame her when there are rumours saying that there is ghost in this forest. I am not scared of ghosts.. but...maybe a little. A shiver ran through my body. What if Lalji a ghost? "Are you a ghost?", I asked. He laughed aloud. " Do you think so?" he asked trying to hold back his laugh. I was relieved that he isn't a ghost and happy that he didn't ignore me this time. 'Its just that I had heard rumours saying that there is ghost in this forest who scares poachers and people who came to destroy the forest." I replied with shy as I had accused him to be a ghost. Suddenly he stopped laughing. "What is your name?" he asked. "Lia" I replied. "What do you think about this, Lia." he asked. "It's okay if the ghost just scares them.They destroys the forest. I love this forest a lot. How could someone even think about touching it's beauty?" I asked. He replied, "they are just selfish, Lia. It would have consequences..... consequences by nature. It wouldn't just affect them but the whole world." "Its better for them to get scared than losing this forest. Eventhogh I would have a worried mom hoping that I wouldn't go to the forest," I said smiling at him. He chuckled at this. "Seriously, is there ghosts?" I asked genuinely. He smiled at my innocence. He replied, "No, but there are people who do wrong things, do you get me, Lia?" I nodded. While we where standing there, the same rabbit I saw earlier tickled Lalji's leg. For a moment, I got jealous as the same rabbit which was scared of me is not scared of Lalji. He took the rabbit in his hand and he rubbed his hand on its soft fur." These animals can't speak for themselves and for nature. But we can, so we should be there voices and protect them and nature," Lalji said. "Why are you hiding from this world?" I asked. "Lia, you won't understand.....I am not hiding, I am trying to save the world from darkness. The world is not good like you think. There are many people who are ready to kill each other out of selfish interests. You know they killed my family... if I am out they would kill me too . I am not scared of death....but ..if I die..the won't let innocent people like you to enjoy nature. They just need money." He sluttered. I could hear sadness in his voice. I felt sad. "You could either tell everyone that you saw me here or not. Its your choice. But I am sure you know what to do." Lalji said. "Aren't you the one who is acting like a ghost?" I asked. He didn't reply, but smiled."Anyway nice meeting you, Lia" with that he disappeared into the woods. Eventhogh he didn't answer me, I knew its him by his smile. I started walking home with lots of questions and thoughts in my mind. By the time I reached home it was late night. How fast does the time flies? I was having a long day. When I reached home I cried into mom's shoulder. I don't know wheather I cried for Lalji or nature. I won't tell anyone about Lalji. Eventhogh animals don't go to school, they knew better than destroying nature unlike some people. Lalji's words echoed in my ears..To save the world from darkness.......

9H ഗവ.വിഎച്ച്എസ്എസ് മാനന്തവാടി
മാനന്തവാടി ഉപജില്ല
അക്ഷരവൃക്ഷം പദ്ധതി, 2020