"എസ്.എൻ.ഡി.പി.എച്ച്.എസ്എസ്. ഉദയംപേരൂർ/അക്ഷരവൃക്ഷം/AN ADVENTUROUS TALE." എന്ന താളിന്റെ പതിപ്പുകൾ തമ്മിലുള്ള വ്യത്യാസം
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20:14, 21 ഏപ്രിൽ 2020-നു നിലവിലുള്ള രൂപം
AN ADVENTUROUS TALE. It is still raining outside !! Said Mary. Yeah, I think our forest trekking will be stopped squeaked Mary’s friend Ancia. They were planning for a trip in the forest. Rain could not stop our trekking. We would go. Jude said in a firm voice, while entering in. Hi Jude come on said Mary. They all sat round to have some tea. They started talking, but how can we go for the forest exploration in this heavy rain. Asked Ancia. Jude said, I think in heavy rain forest will be more beautiful and it will be an amazing adventure. It is right, but will Andrew join the trip during the reign? asked Mary. Oh!! He is always very interested in exploring forest. I think he will join the trip. Jude answered, I don't think so. He always like to explore forest but he really dislike the rain, Ancia said. Let’s check the newspaper about the weather, she read the news, next Sunday to Friday the climate will be normal. Suddenly Jude said, Hurray, today is Wednesday. Next Sunday we can go for trekking !! There is only some more days. Let’s call Andrews and tell him about the trip. Said Ancia. Mary took the phone and dialled the number. Suddenly, the calling Bell Rang everyone looked, who is that? What a surprise !! Ancia said. It’s Andrews. Hey dude… started Ms.Jude, we were just talking about you. Andrews began, hi everybody, anything about the trip? Yes, a surprise, said Mary. What surprise? Asked Andrews. Next Sunday lets go to trekking. Every one Cheered. Andrews asked, but what about the rain? Don't worry man look at the newspaper, from next Sunday climate is normal and pleasant, said Ancia. Then everyone started to talk about the preparations for the trip. Jude said, I will take my digital camera lat’s take photos of the scenery and animals. Yeah, it is right said Andrews. Then Mary said, let’s first think about the tool kits and safety measures. We need to take some bandages. we need to buy a tent also, said Jude in a hurry. Then Mary said I will tell something needed…a long rope, a sharp knife, some bandages, a tent, a lighter or a match box. These are all very important safety measures while travelling in the forest, said Mary. Jude said, I have to buy all these things. Let’s go to the shop tomorrow. Ok, Andrews started to list down the things. They all were very excited for their adventurous trip. We need a fruit basket also, said Ancia. I have one in my mothers home. I can get it, said Jude. The pendulum on the wall rang Ding-Dong! Mary said OH! it's already one o'clock. Let’s go and have our lunch. They had their lunch and came back for further discussions. Andrew said, Let’s have some fun some time. Mary replied, I knew you want to play some new game with the gadgets. Let’s go and play. Yes! Andrews said happily. While playing the game, the calling bell rang. Mary went to look at the door ad opended the door. Hai Mummy, Mary said. It was Mary’s mom. Hi Mary, her mom said. And Mary said, we planned about the trip we set out next Sunday. Oh! Wow it's good but what about the weather? Asked her mom. Mary said, look at the newspaper from next Sunday to Friday the weather will be normal and Pleasant and so we are going to the amazing trip and Jude and Andrews came. They said….ok aunty bye. Bye Mary, mom said. They went to their own houses. Next day they went all to buy things. They went to the shop and purchased a new foldable tent. It was Orange coloured beautiful tent, which can occupy six people. They bought a Binocular too. Then they went back to their homes. At last the day arrived, the four of them got ready and came. They arraged ticket for trekking. Ancia said, we got the ticket. Let’s start at 11 o'clock. Everyone get onto the Jeep on time with their luggages and started their journey. Jude said, we will enjoy this trip! They started the journey and now the Jeep is going through a hilly road. So the jeep was shaking. After sometime the Jeep went through a part which is surrounded by big and Shady trees, Mary said fearly, look a snake on that tree !! Every one looked carefully, and started laughing. Mary confused. Why all of you laughing? Jude said, it is just a creeper, look at it carefully. Suddenly, Andrews said, Hey !! Look, they saw many monkeys jumping. They took many photos, after a while at lunch time they stopped their Jeep under a large tree and had their lunch. Then they continued their journey. They saw streams, Big trees, wild plants, flowers and many other animals. After a while they stopped the Jeep they kept their luggage on the ground. Jude said to the jeep driver, uncle please wait we have to take a walk, will be soon back. They walked into the deep woods. The driver was reading newspaper sitting in the Jeep. The four friends went far from the Jeep. Suddenly the driver saw a tiger, and he instantly drove off, and he forgot about the children. After sometime he came back but there was no Jeep !!! Jude screamed, where is the Jeep ??? and Ancia looked back and screamed. Everyone looked and started running with their luggages. They saw a tiger standing a few distance away. Thank god, the tiger was not hungry. They ran off far away, at last they stopped. Mary said, oh my god ! we are lost in the jungle. They were in the centre of the forest ad they don't know where they are. They started walking, the sun started setting down they found out a place and put the tent. They set the campfire. They ate the sandwiches which they bought from home. They all fell asleep in the tent. It was very dark. Next morning they woke up and the sunlight was bright. They were ready with their luggages and started waking. They saw a small stream, and they drank some water and followed the flow of the stream. At last the stream disappeared into the soil. They were still at mid of the forest. They walked for sometime and Climbed on to a mountain. They were tired and they saw a den. They decided to rest in it for sometime. Then they went in and kept their languages on the ground. Soon the soil loosened and the luggages fell down. It was a deep pit. Jude looked inside the pit deeply, suddenly she fell down. Others were shocked ! At last they took a decision. They also jumped to the pit. The pit was too deep and at last a large stone stopped them all. All of them were there. They strongly pushed the Rock in front of them. The rock fell down. There was a beautiful valley in front of them. They went near the river. They decided to go through the river. They made a Wood raft using the branches of trees in the valley. They made a raft by using wooden logs and planks. They started their journey on their new raft. They passed through many beautiful Creepers sceneries. There were many flowers and plants etc.. The speed of the water current increased, and they started rowing against the flow of the river. There was a big waterfall and they jumped onto a large Rock on the banks of the river one by one they jump into the Shore. At last Ancia jumped and she didn't get grip and fell into the water. Others grabbed her and rescued. They were thrilled. They started walking inside the deep forest. Then they saw a grass bed lying under a tree. They stepped on it carelessly and suddenly, they fell into another deep pit. They fortunately fell on a grass bed inside the pit. They saw sun light through a small tunnel. They creeped out from the deep pit, through the narrow tunnel. Ancia said, we escaped once again from the deep pit. They walked ad reached near to the river, and they saw that the river was formed by a water fall. It was that waterfall which they escaped earlier. They started walking in the valley, and saw a hill and climbed on it. The forest was very beautiful to watch from this hill top ! Suddenly they saw a man, who was a tribal. He was wearing a dress made up of banana leaves and a cap made of leaves and feathers. The four friends in the trekking team were surprised to see him. He started walking, and they followed him. At last he Sat On a rock near the river. The four children went and hide themselves in the bushes and watched him. He suddenly got up and looked everywhere, and spotted them. The tribal man started to say something loudly in their language. Immediately many tribes came out running towards the children. The four children got scared. The tribal men caught them and took them to their place. They saw many tribal men and women along with their children, were standing under the trees. when they looked up they could not believe their eyes !! There were hundreds of tree houses on the trees. A man came to them and said, Hai children don't be afraid, we will not harm you. Ancia asked, do you know our language? Yes I know, answered the man. And said, but the others don't know your language. I have been out of forest for some days, and learned your language. He continued… you are our guests. So we will show you our place and routines’. Jude asked? Are you all living on the tree houses? Yes of course. He replied. We are known as tree top tribes. He invited the children to their Tree house. The four children were really excited. The view of the forest and surrounding places were very beautiful. The children also saw the beautiful plants grown in the tree houses. Those rare plants were very different, which they never seen. These plants were of different species. Which the tree top tribes only grow. There are many varieties of such plans the treetop tribes used it for food and medicine. The four children and the Tribal men had a meal together. Then the man informed to four friends, that “we have a gathering near the valley every day, were our music and dances are presented” let us go there today. The four children got excited. At evening they arrived at the valley. They saw some tribes having some instruments, which they have never seen before. They started the music and dance. it is a very pleasant music. Jude took photographs of dance of the tribes, and then they had their dinner and went to the tree house. Next morning the man give them their plants and leaves they continued walking. They said goodbye to the tribes. They walked for a long time and finally they were tired and sat under a tree and had the leaves got from the tribes. The leaves were tasty. Jude was searching the Binocular in the luggage. She got a paper from the bag and she took it. That was a map, and she kept it in the pocket. They talked about their home and they became sad and wished to go back to their homes. They started walking, after long time they so a den. They went into it and saw many rocks. The den was a little long when they walked inside there was a picture of OX. It was a stone carving. Jude said it is a cave carving of the people of Stone Age. They took few photos and emerged out of the den. They continued their walk. Andrew said, we have to make a plan to get out of this forest. But what plan? Asked Ancia. We should find the road. For that we need a map, said Andrews. I have one with me. Ad gave it to Andrews. They looked at it and found the location of the road. It was at the north side. Andrew said, that is north, pointing his left hand. Mary asked, how do you know the direction in this thick forest? Andrews explained, if we stand facing to the sun, our left had indicates the North direction. They started running towards north direction and at last they felt tired and exhausted. Sat under a tree. Suddenly they heard a sound of a car. They ran towards the sound. They found the road. They felt very happy on reaching back at road safely. They requested to a jeep driver, for a lift and reached near to the ticket counter. They called their parents and informed about their whereabouts and their parents came and picked them up. At last the four friends finished their amazing forest drive. Then they narrated everything happened in the forest to their parents. Parents were really surprised hearing the adventure of their children. The End
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