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ಪ್ರವೇಶಿಸಿರಿ (ಸಹಾಯ)
உள்ளேற (உதவி)

"എ.കെ.ജി.മെമ്മോറിയൽ എച്ച് .എസ്.എസ് .പിണാറായി/അക്ഷരവൃക്ഷം/ENVIRONMENT" എന്ന താളിന്റെ പതിപ്പുകൾ തമ്മിലുള്ള വ്യത്യാസം

തിരുത്തലിനു സംഗ്രഹമില്ല
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വരി 2: വരി 2:
| തലക്കെട്ട്=ENVIRONMENT        <!-- തലക്കെട്ട് - സമചിഹ്നത്തിനുശേഷം കവിതയുടെ തലക്കെട്ട് നൽകുക -->
| തലക്കെട്ട്=ENVIRONMENT        <!-- തലക്കെട്ട് - സമചിഹ്നത്തിനുശേഷം കവിതയുടെ തലക്കെട്ട് നൽകുക -->
| color= 4        <!-- color - സമചിഹ്നത്തിനുശേഷം 1 മുതൽ 5 വരെയുള്ള ഏതെങ്കിലും നമ്പർ നൽകുക -->
| color= 4        <!-- color - സമചിഹ്നത്തിനുശേഷം 1 മുതൽ 5 വരെയുള്ള ഏതെങ്കിലും നമ്പർ നൽകുക -->
}}<p>Plants, animals, birds, insects and people live together on Earth. We need to take care of all living beings. We need to understand their needs. Survival of living beings on Earth depends mainly based on the availability of fresh air, good food and drinking water. These are the main essential factors of our daily lives. But there are so many other factors that also requires for a good life. Environment is formed by whatever surroundings we live in. In the case of Earth, all physical surroundings present on our planet are called environment. The environment includes both living and non-living things also.</p>
}}Plants, animals, birds, insects and people live together on Earth. We need to take care of all living beings. We need to understand their needs. Survival of living beings on Earth depends mainly based on the availability of fresh air, good food and drinking water. These are the main essential factors of our daily lives. But there are so many other factors that also requires for a good life. Environment is formed by whatever surroundings we live in. In the case of Earth, all physical surroundings present on our planet are called environment. The environment includes both living and non-living things also.</p>
   <pThe part of the environment where life exists is called Biosphere. All the living beings, plants, animals, birds and human beings are part of the Biosphere.
   <pThe part of the environment where life exists is called Biosphere. All the living beings, plants, animals, birds and human beings are part of the Biosphere.
The non-living parts of the environment has three main parts. They are:
The non-living parts of the environment has three main parts. They are:
വരി 12: വരി 12:
  <p> The Lithosphere denotes the outer layer of the Earth. But in anyway the survival and existence depends entirely based on atmosphere. All the living beings depends upon the the non-living aspects of the environment for survival.</p>
  <p> The Lithosphere denotes the outer layer of the Earth. But in anyway the survival and existence depends entirely based on atmosphere. All the living beings depends upon the the non-living aspects of the environment for survival.</p>
   <p>Biosphere comes from the Greek word 'Bios' which means'life'. Biosphere is a layer that extends slightly above and slightly below the surface of the Earth. Biosphere is the living part of our home planet and it consists a number of ecosystems. It also includes the atmosphere. The atmosphere acts just like a blanket over the Earth as it protects our planet from harmful rays of the Sun.</p>
   <p>Biosphere comes from the Greek word 'Bios' which means'life'. Biosphere is a layer that extends slightly above and slightly below the surface of the Earth. Biosphere is the living part of our home planet and it consists a number of ecosystems. It also includes the atmosphere. The atmosphere acts just like a blanket over the Earth as it protects our planet from harmful rays of the Sun.</p>
   <br>India, a mega diverse country with only 2.4% of the world's land area, accounts 7-8% of all recorded species, including over 45,000 species of plants and 91,000 species of animals.  
     India, a mega diverse country with only 2.4% of the world's land area, accounts 7-8% of all recorded species, including over 45,000 species of plants and 91,000 species of animals.  
    <p>In India, the ministry of environment, forest and climate change is the nodal agency for planning, promotion, co-rdination and overseeing the implementation of India's environmental and forestry policies and programs. It also link to the International agencies including United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP).</p>
    <p>In India, the ministry of environment, forest and climate change is the nodal agency for planning, promotion, co-rdination and overseeing the implementation of India's environmental and forestry policies and programs. It also link to the International agencies including United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP).</p>
   <p> The chapter on fundamental duties of the Indian Constitution imposes duty on every citizen to protect our environment from various negative activities. Article 51-A (g) says, " It shall be duty of every citizen of India, to protect and improve the natural environment including forests, lakes, rivers and wildlife and to have compassion for living creatures."</p>
   <p> The chapter on fundamental duties of the Indian Constitution imposes duty on every citizen to protect our environment from various negative activities. Article 51-A (g) says, " It shall be duty of every citizen of India, to protect and improve the natural environment including forests, lakes, rivers and wildlife and to have compassion for living creatures."</p>


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