ഗവ ഗേൾസ് സ്കൂൾ ചവറ/അക്ഷരവൃക്ഷം/COVID-19:A DEADLIEST DISEASE

Schoolwiki സംരംഭത്തിൽ നിന്ന്

Noval Coronavirus is also known as COVID-19 has spread all over the world including our state kerala.This is a contagious disease showering similar symptoms as pneumonia.This disease affects the lungs.

The word Corona means crown because the microscopic view of this virus seemed to be like of

crown.This virus is reported first in Wuhan a province of China.It has spread all over the world

within a couple of months.

It badly affects the old citizens,small children and people with other medical conditions like

diabetes,hypertension,hypotension and heart disease etc.This virus affected the economic

condition of the world.The world has to face a big economic crisis.

The main symptoms which people may experience are:

▪ fever

▪ triedness

▪ difficulty in breathing

We can prevent this by obeying certain preventive measures:

▪ Wash your hands by using hand wash.

▪ If you don't have hand wash use hand sanitizers of alcohol presence of more than 60%.

▪ Use mask when you go out.

▪ Use hand kercheif,tissue while you are coughing or sneezing.

▪ Keep social distance.

▪ Donot throw your protective measures like mask and tissue instead pull it in the dustbin and burn it.

Our government has taken a great and helpful measures to prevent this disease.We can hope that it won't be so deadly and disastrous.Be at home.stay home stay safe.

നോയലിൻ മേരി ബെയ്സൽ
9 A ഗവ ഗേൾസ് സ്കൂൾ ചവറ
ചവറ ഉപജില്ല
അക്ഷരവൃക്ഷം പദ്ധതി, 2020

 സാങ്കേതിക പരിശോധന - mtjose തീയ്യതി: 20/ 04/ 2020 >> രചനാവിഭാഗം - ലേഖനം