ഗവ. എച്ച് എസ് എസ് പുതിയകാവ്/അക്ഷരവൃക്ഷം/Corona virus (COVID-19)/

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Corona virus (COVID-19)

Corona virus disease is an infectious disease by a newly discovered corona virus.

   I   Pneumonia of unknown cause was detected in Wuhan’,China.It was first reported to the WHO country office in China on31st December 2019.
   II   Outbreak was declared a public health Emergency of international concern on 30 January 2020.
   III   On 11 Feb. 2020, WHO announced a name for the new corona virus disease ‘COVID-19’.

A person can get Covid-19 by touching a surface or object that has virus on it and then touching their own mouth nose or eyes. The virus is supposedly heavier than usual viruses and can not travel more than 3 feet or so in distance. People are thought to be most contagious when they are most symptomatic or sickest. Even those without symptoms could spread virus. Scientists have not yet been able to work out who is more susceptible than others. 101 out of every 10000 cases will develop symptoms after 14 days of active monitoring or quarantine. Age is a risk factor so are genetics-some people have more protein in their respiratory epithelial cells. Doctors said early with comorbidities are usually vulnerable to all influenzas because of low immunity and they need to be careful against catching corona virus. Excellent control of co-morbid and flu and pneumonia vaccinations will help decrease death. Covid-19 is officially a pandemic. Comparisons are being made between Covid- 19 and Spanish flu of 1918 that killed 100 million people across the world. The flu did not originate in Spain. Remember, this, was 1918, the first world war was still on. Three countries -US, Britain, and France- had the flu before Spain but managed to keep it out of news papers to avoid damaging morale. The viruses that cause the flu and Covid -19 belong to two different families, SARS-Co V-2 which causes Covid-19 belongs to the CORONA family. Unlike flu, which spreads rapidly and relatively evenly through a population, corona virus tends to infect in clusters. The Spanish flu first landed in India on the docks of Bombay in June 1918. Later, an injection prepared in Assam reportedly immunized thousands. While the second wave retreated by December 1918, some reports hint at a third wave in India in early1919. Today people are blaming the Chinese. But WHO, in 2015, came out with guidelines on how to name a disease. Hence no one is calling this Chinese flu or the Wuhan plague.


    •  2019 novel corona virus’s assault begins in the nose.
    •  It invades the epithelial (uppermost) cells of the body’s respiratory tract.
    •  It is best if viral infection can be controlled at this stage, as disease would be less severe.
    •  Phase can last up to 3-4days.


   • If the virus moves down to wind pipe and gets into ‘respiratory tree’ and lung tissue, disease can get more severe and lead to pneumonia.
   • Body’s immune system steps in and white blood cells ‘beat’ pathogens and help body heal.
   • But in case immune system isn’t good enough, there could be large-scale destruction of not just virus- infected cells but even healthy ones.
   • Damage to epithelium lining of trachea and bronchi could result in loss of protective mucus producing cells as well as tiny hairs that sweep dirt and respiratory secretions out of lungs.
   • Lungs become vulnerable to bacterial infection and may need mechanical ventilator support.
   • A bacterial infection would mean stem cells are destroyed.
   • Lungs are too impaired to work, starving vital organs of oxygen.


 Maintain a 6- foot distance from people who cough
 Don’t touch your eyes, nose and mouth
 Stay home when sick
 Use a tissue to cover your mouth while coughing.Throw the tissue in the trash
 Disinfect frequently touched objects with household cleaning spray
 Wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20seconds
 Use alcohol based sanitizers.

തേജശ്രീ എസ്
9B ഗവ.എച്ച്.എസ്.എസ്.പുതിയകാവ്
വടക്കൻ പറവൂർ ഉപജില്ല
അക്ഷരവൃക്ഷം പദ്ധതി, 2020

 സാങ്കേതിക പരിശോധന - Anilkb തീയ്യതി: 07/ 05/ 2020 >> രചനാവിഭാഗം - ലേഖനം