ഗവ. എച്ച് എസ് എസ് ആനപ്പാറ/അക്ഷരവൃക്ഷം/Be Part Of The Solution,Not Part Of The Pollution

Schoolwiki സംരംഭത്തിൽ നിന്ന്
Be Part Of The Solution,Not Part Of The Pollution

The earth is what we all have in common.We are the last generation with a real opportunity to save the world. environment refers to the surroundings of the living species,both living and non living.It is all that envelopes the earth.It provides the basics of our sustenance on our mother earth.Likewise it maintains the ecological balance.It is connected to Forest,trees, animals, water and air.Human activities exerts more pressure on the earth leading to disastrous effects.An instance to this is yearly flood and soil erosion we face.Our natural resources had been vanishing due to over exploitation.

As Gandhiji said,"There is enough for our need but nothing for our greed".In the search of development and progress we are killing our natural environment. What we need is sustainable development. Air pollution,noise pollution, water pollution,soil pollution, deforestation are few threats our environment deals with. As Dalai Lama puts it,"It is our collective and individual responsibility to preserve and tend to the world in which we all live".

ദേവിക വി വി
7 D ജി.എച്ച്.എസ്.എസ്.ആനപ്പാറ
സുൽത്താൻ ബത്തേരി ഉപജില്ല
അക്ഷരവൃക്ഷം പദ്ധതി, 2020

 സാങ്കേതിക പരിശോധന - haseenabasheer തീയ്യതി: 05/ 05/ 2020 >> രചനാവിഭാഗം - ലേഖനം