ഔവർ ലേഡീ ഓഫ് ഫാത്തിമ ഗേൾസ് എച്ച്.എസ്. കുമ്പളങ്ങി/അക്ഷരവൃക്ഷം/THE DEATH TOLL COVID-19
Covid-19 or Novel Corona Corona virus started from Wuhan in China. It was first discovered in Wuhan in an animal market . From there it kept on spreading . Now more than 200 countries and territories are effected by this. The scientists said that the Corona bacteria were found in the body of Ant-eater. Corona spread rapidly that 24,07,467 cases were confirmed all around the world and a death toll of 165,074 deaths. It spreads on humans by just a touch. Our governments have taken necessary precautions for this. We hope that Corona goes as quickly as it can. STAY HOME STAY SAFE