എച്ച്.എസ്.എസ്.ഓഫ് ജീസസ് കോതാട്/അക്ഷരവൃക്ഷം/A DIARY ON CORONA DAYS
March 31 Tuesday It has been 4 years since I have written my diary…..I’m writing this because I’m stuck home due to coronavirus, which is the biggest trouble we are facing today. To prevent its spread, we are having ‘lockdown’. We are not allowed to get out of our houses, now 2 infected people are dead. My 2 exams are cancelled because of this. I have a lot of time now. I’m now painting my house. There are many things to write….In this 4 years gap we faced flood, nipah, and now we are facing this….Not only us but the whole world is facing. Corona already took life of about 36000 people. About 250 people are affected by COVID-19…..in Kerala…..COVID-19 is Corona Virus Disease 2019. My hand is paining playing badminton all day. Tomorrow is April Fools Day and I’m so excited…I had a lot of plans for it but coronavirus spoiled my plans….I’m missing all my friends…I have contact with them. The time is 11.44 pm. I’m very sleepy, so goodnight…. One more thing …..The most annoying thing of all these is that we are not able to understand which day is it. Even Sundays go unnoticed…..