Our Precious Environment

We need to live in harmony in this world .Animals, plants,soil and water are all important for our well-being.Despite this,we keep destroying the gifts of nature with pesticides, garbages and even through tourism.We must seek ways to protect nature.For example,we should adopt 'ecological agriculture' to produce grains and vegetables and should use alternative eco-friendly forms of energy.Each one of us can contribute towards saving the environment by avoiding food grown with the help of pesticides and choosing a fuel-efficient means of transport.The Kyoto Protocol is a major step in this direction.

The Kyoto Protocol is an international agreement aimed at fighting global warming.The countries that have signed the protocol have committed themselves to reduce the emission of greenhouse gases step by step,and thus prevent air pollution and global warming.The name of the contract comes from the Japanese city of Kyoto, where this agreement was signed in 1997.Most of the countries of the world have signed the protocol, but many of them have not yet implemented it wholeheartedly as they fear that it would adversely affect their economy.

In a greenhouse,the air gets heated up because the warm rays of the sun get trapped by the roof and the walls and are not reflected towards outwards completely.This situation is comparable to the conditions currently prevailing on the Earth.The layer of the atmosphere,which acts like the glass roof, contains greenhouse gases,such as water vapour,carbondioxide (CO2), methane,nitrous oxide and ozone,in appropriate amounts to keep the Earth comfortably warm.Due to irresponsible human activities, the carbondioxide content has increased by 20% and methane content by 90%.As a result more heat is getting trapped and making the Earth warmer than usual.The increased temperature is causing the ice of the polar caps and glaciers to melt;this has led to a rise in sea levels and drastic climate changes all over the world. Since ages,man has dumped garbage in the seas,fired crude oil and caused water and soil pollution.Large forested areas have been cleared for farming or for wood.The worst part is that we carry on with these irresponsible acts.

To a certain extent a few people protect the environment by building national parks and zoos,or by finding new eco-friendly ways to produce energy and food stuffs. Disasters impact people uniquely and even globally there is a death of quality literature on the impact of natural disasters on marginalised populations.Lessons learnt from the calamities are pivotal in evolving a more inclusive response and nurturing a resilent society.Survival is not so much about the body,but rather it is about the triumph of the human body.

മേതി‍ൽ തങ്കച്ചൻ
10 C സേക്രഡ് ഹാർട്ട് ഹൈസ്കൂൾ, തേവര
എറണാകുളം ഉപജില്ല
അക്ഷരവൃക്ഷം പദ്ധതി, 2020

 സാങ്കേതിക പരിശോധന - Anilkb തീയ്യതി: 19/ 04/ 2020 >> രചനാവിഭാഗം - ലേഖനം