Nature the Teacher
                   Once there was a boy named Rhony. He was a very bad and wicked  boy. He didn't like nature. His heart was filled with dirt and darkness. He didn't have a good friend. His friend was his mobile phone. He was always with it. His hobby was cheating and teasing others. 
                     One day, Rhony was playing an online game in his mobile phone. Suddenly, a message came that his internet validity had finished. So, he went out to get it recharged. As he went out his house, something caught his attention. He saw his neighbour boy  talking to himself. Rhony called the boy and asked him, 
       " Hello, what are you doing? To whom are you talking? "

The boy replied with a smile,

          " I'm talking to nature."

Rhony was too much amused,

          " What to nature! Why?"

The boy's eyes filled with sadness.

        " Oh! I don't have parents. They died in an accident. I don't have anyone to talk with and share my feelings. That's why I talk to nature. Nature is my mother as well as my best friend."

Rhony thought in his mind,

           'He is mad. It is not nice to talk to nature. Why can't he play in the mobile instead  of wasting his time by  being so foolish.'
            Then he went out, recharged his mobile phone, came back home and again started using mobile.
             Months passed by.  Now Rhony is a fourteen year old boy. His parents decided to take admission in a boarding school. They left him in the hostel and returned home. Rhony was very happy because there was no one to be worried about him now. He could do whatever he wanted.
           Two weeks passed by. He started to feel lonely. No one to talk with. No one to share his feelings. He became depressed. He was totally irritated. He decided to commit suicide. He went to the terrace of the hostel. Then he saw something really beautiful and heart touching. A sparrow taking care of its child in a nest. Then he heard the chirping of other birds, rustling of leaves, trickling of water in a nearby stream and the sound of water droplets falling from one leaf to the other. He could feel the cool breeze. Suddenly, he remembered his neighbour boy who shared his feelings with nature as he was alone. So Rhony too thought of talking with nature. Thus he felt relieved. He could feel something hard melting in his heart. He became happy and refreshed. Next day onwards he started a new life. All the dirt and darkness in his heart was washed away. He became a very good boy in everything.
               Again fifteen years passed by. Rhony became Dr. Rhony. He organized several organizations, institutions and clubs for preserving nature. 
               One day, when Rhony was in a meeting a phone call came. He picked it. The speaker said,
              "Hello, Is this Dr. Rhony"

Rhony replied,

                "Yes I am. Who are you?"

The speaker,

              " I am calling from the Secretariat. You should come here now itself."
               Rhony became a little anxious. He thought,
                ' Why did they call me to the Secretariat ? Is there any problem? Did I commit any mistake? Anyway I'll go and see.'
              He went to the Secretariat. When he opened his car's door, lights started flashing from cameras. All reporters flocked around him. Some police men came and pushed the media away. They guided him to the chief minister's office. There the chief minister came, held Rhony's hand and congratulated him.  He didn't understand what exactly was going on. It was then someone said that he had won an award by the state government for preserving nature. He also got ten lakhs ruppes as cash price. He spent the money for buying and planting seedlings in vacant places all over the State. 
                  Thus Rhony became a great inspiration for the younger generation. The boy who once was against preserving nature became the winner for preserving nature. Anyway the Mother - Nature was the only reason for his great turning point.
ഹരിചന്ദന എം എ
7 A സെന്റ് തോമസ് ഹയർ സെക്കണ്ടറി സ്കൂൾ മുക്കോലയ്ക്കൽ തിരുവനന്തപുരം
തിരുവനന്തപുരം നോർത്ത് ഉപജില്ല
അക്ഷരവൃക്ഷം പദ്ധതി, 2020

 സാങ്കേതിക പരിശോധന - Sreejaashok25 തീയ്യതി: 15/ 02/ 2022 >> രചനാവിഭാഗം - കഥ