These are the words of Mahatma Gandhi our beloved Father of Nation and the great soul who dedicated his life for the freedom of our country; and contribute the best to turn india as a sovereign,socialist, secular, democratic and republic. We must give prominence to our life and health,if there is no health the duration of life is not meaningful. Early Greek thinkers like Hippocrates and Indian ayurveda system of medicine asserted that health was a state of body and mind where there is a balance of "humour". According to this theory it was believed that the person with "blackbile humour" had hot personality and was vulnerable to diseases. After the certain experiments conducted it disproved "good humour hypothesis" of health.

Now we see health as a state of complete physical, mental, social and economical well being. It is better to take the precautions rather than treating it after being paralyzed by the disease.Now we are going through the most ridiculous scenario of the decade. If a normal disease which is not severe is curable based on its characteristics. But pandemics are severe threat to the whole community as it is spreading as fast as blink of an eye. First we must recognize the mode of spread of the pandemics from one living beings to the other then only we could counter it. After that we could grab its root and uproot from the world. Scientists and doctors have several solutions for the pandemics and each solution is differ as the natural character of the virus. All the virus are always living in the environment they are familiar to us when they come out and start to be a threat of human race. Virus start to become active due to their favourable conditions to live. Virus is only one among the huge family of infectious microbes. If we don't acquire the needful precautions all the other pathogens would lift themselves up. The advances made in biological science and pharmaceuticals has armed us to effectively deal with many infectious diseases.

Every day we are exposed to a huge number of infectious agents but only few of them resulting diseases and the reason behind that is the natural ability of our body to strike against these pathogens, scientifically we call it as immunity. Immunity power is the disease resistance ability. Anyway our immunity power varies from man to man/ place to place and this must be realised. For example when we transform to old age in some situations our immunity power decreases, this is why some geriatrics are facing several diseases instead of solo ones. All the living beings have the capability to resist all the diseases with their immunity power. It takes a lag of time,so we must produce the specific time (quarentine, isolation etc...) for our body to resist these pandemics that we must ensure the best treatment to regulate these critical situations.

By the use of all these specific parameters, medicines and hospitalization procedure at an interval of time the victim can resist the scenario. We obtain some of the immunities from our birth and others have to be obtained from nature and vaccines. A variety of diseases that attacked human race from time immemorial was cured by the use of vaccines as time moves forward we are forced to face new threats which are not familiar to our body. Science proves that our body attack the pathogen based on the memory of the initial response. This becomes a time consuming task as the organism is fresh one.It is eventually impossible to manufacture a new medicine within a flash of light. At this high time, prevention becomes better than cure. Depicting the present scenario we are witnessing this truth.

Corona virus disaster of today perfectly underline the fact that prevention is the only way to get rid of corona infection. The whole world is being hijacked by the corona.This Covid-19(name of the virus) is creating a huge damage to the life of people and economically destroying the GDP of the countries. Medicines are not yet manufactured so isolation is the only method to take to prevent the deadliest corona. Many people in the world are crying for life, their tears are touching the ground, people are loosing their souls and hopes are drained from them. Diseases becomes our opponents when they becomes invaders and begin to challenge the man kind. To control diseases our government has taken appropriate measures and implemented some solutions. So we need to coordinate with them and obey the rules and regulations. So we all could raise the hands,together move on and "BREAK THE CHAIN" ie the official logo of the Kerala state government to fight against COVID-19.

We could take the measures required for our safety and good health.If we coordinate with our body and provide the appropriate situations for our body we could resist the diseases. Personal and public hygiene are one among the prominent measures we need to adopt and continue throughout our life span.Maintaining the public and personal hygeine is necessary for the prevention of several diseases.Measures of personal hygiene include keeping body clean and also consumption of clean food and water. Whereas the public hygiene include proper disposal of waist and periodic cleaning of public places. In the case of airborne diseases like corona close contact with the infected person and their belongings should be avoided and for the diseases spread by insect vectors measures to control the breeding areas of vectors should be adopted. Hygeiness of both personal and public together consist the environmental hygeine. Creating public awareness ensures the participation of every citizen to save themselves and their neighbours. These awareness programs help the people to overcome the crucial situation and disprove them from believing in myths. This steps play a vital role in preventing community spread. The government can implement the necessary steps if only the public respond to them positively and coordinate. The government and public should be ready for an immediate encounter against the savage corona.

The use of vaccine and other immunization programs has enabled us to completely eradicate a long list of deadly diseases. Biotechnology is at the verge of waking available newer and safer vaccines. Discovery of Antibiotics, Antivirals and various other drugs is lending a helping hand towards human race. As responsible citizens it is our duty to protect ourselves and the whole world.Let everyone enjoy the beauty of this fascinating world and we should not allow the pandemics to conquer our world and destroy the unfulfilled dreams.Let us never forget the angels of our world, the health union. Those eyes who forgot to sleep, those who give up their hunger and thirst, and those who sacrificed their funny and lovely moments with their beloved ones and family and those who put their life on the line for us.Let's pledge together that none of our siblings will be buried all alone without being gifted by their last kiss. Let's fight this together guys with the power of confidence, courage and the God almighty.

ഡാനി ഗലീലിയോ
9 എ സെന്റ്തോമസ് എച്ച്എസ്എസ്, നടവയൽ
വൈത്തിരി ഉപജില്ല
അക്ഷരവൃക്ഷം പദ്ധതി, 2020

 സാങ്കേതിക പരിശോധന - shajumachil തീയ്യതി: 17/ 04/ 2020 >> രചനാവിഭാഗം - ലേഖനം