ഗവൺമെന്റ് യു പി എസ്സ് ഉദയനാപുരം/അക്ഷരവൃക്ഷം/GOOD HEALTH-A BLESSING
There are so many differences in the physical fitness among people. Though some people appear sick, others appear healthy. It depends upon their way of thinking and their way of life. We must remember that health is better than wealth. An unhealthy man cannot enjoy life and he is not at all happy. When we are young, we are powerful. At that time we do not think about our health. In other words we are often careless about our health. Everyone knows that good health is essential to happiness. Fresh air, pure water, nutritious food, regular exercise and the clean environment are essential to keep our body healthy. Thus we can have a good life. A healthy person is really an asset to the family and nation.