"OH Mother, my sweet mother"
When you were born
Millions and millions of years ago
This place was so calm and clean,
With plenty of rivers and pure water.
The deep and dark canopy of tall trees
And wide stretch of green meadow
Buy when we were born
The things have changed a lot
The cruel,sinful hands of man
Touched everything and made histories
Destroyed the forests, exploded mountains
Adulterd each and everything
That came in the course of their way.
But ," Oh my sweet mother"
I don't know how much
You have suffered from these
Corrupted hands of selfish humans
How much you have shattered,
Your minds at these
Times of crucial moments
And how much you have wept
When the blood from your heart
Split on the soil mattress
But "mother",now these scenes are,
The vast panorama of the continents
The wide spread broke-out off
The pandemic 'corona virus' brought
A self realisation in their minds…..
But "oh mother" kindly forgive
We will make a surprising promise
Not to wound or hurt your soul
Do believe us….and this is our
Humble prayer to lay at your feet.