ഡി.വി.വിഎച്ച്.എസ്സ്. എസ്സ്.തലവൂർ/അക്ഷരവൃക്ഷം/ Hygiene
Hygiene is any practice or activity that you do to keep things healthy and clean.Washing hands,coughing into your elbow,and regular house cleaning are all part of good hygiene. Hygiene was the Greek goddess of health,cleanliness and sanitation. So it is not hard to see where the word hygiene come from. One personal benefit of good hygiene is having better health.Keeping your body clean helps prevent illness and infection from bacteria or viruses.Like in our example,the simple act of washing your hands regularly is an effective way to keep germs from corona virus spreading. Personal hygiene are washing the hair with soap or shampoo at least once a week.Washing hands with soap after going to the toilet.Washing hands with soap before preparing and eating food. Four good personal hygiene habits are wash your hands throughout the day as required,including at the beginning of each service,perform self checks ,and wash or freshen under the arms as needed.Brush and wash your teeth and use mouthwash or breath mints throughout the day. Hygiene helps more and more to prevent the spreading of corona virus and other germs spread from person to person or by touching unclean equipment or surfaces.To stop the spread of germs we focus efforts on cleaning areas in the house where germs are more likely to spread such as kitchen and toilet. Use either soap and hot water to rinse the germs away or a disinfectant to kill them.We should clean germ hotspots on a regular basis rather than the customary once a week deep clean.Cleaning aids such as clothes or mopes must be germ free or else they will spread germs to other areas. Lets keep hygiene and survive from corona virus.