യു.പി.സ്കൂൾ കുട്ടംപേരൂർ/അക്ഷരവൃക്ഷം/'''Actions on Environment'''
Actions on Environment
Our beautiful planet is burning now. Our Earth, the only planet with life is near to destruction. We all are now at a crossroad. Centuries ago, when the Industrial Revolution started, we were caged inside the four walls of greed and myth. We emitted count less greenhouse gases to the atmosphere.But nature was prepared; her thousands of trees and vast forestlands absorbed them...not all. We started deforestation and the temperature increased. Global Warming is swallowing us. We are suffering due to natural disasters as a result of climate change. The mega floods 2018 is an eye opener for all Keralites "Biosphere is sacrificed for the luxury of a few people"- this was said by Greta Thunberg, a Swedish climate activist. The quarries are crushing the hills for wealth, by forgetting the "august wealth of nature ". Anthropogenic actions are destroying the environment. The equilibrium of ecosystem is vanishing. According to IPCC, even the increase of even 1°C temperature can adversely affect us. ESA detected a large hole in Ozone layer recently. This is the result of our "useless use "of Chlorofluorocarbon. That hole is questioning our activities that we do for Kyoto, Montreal Protocols and Paris agreement. Our needs will be sanctioned by the nature. But our needs? It will kill her for sure. Today, children are at the frontline of environmental protection all over the world. They declare-"We are not too small to make a change. This is the only hope for today and the future. In the past, Sailors identified land by looking green, but now they look at the pollutants such as" plastics dancing with the tides" to identify the presence of people or land! Our oceans are undergoing an unusual acidification World Counts says that the extinction of oceanic resources is near to us. If that happens, lakhs of people across the world will face a large scaled unemployment. It means that we have to realize that we are only one thread of a huge web of nature and whatever we do to it, we will also be affected by that .If we will not stop our 'activities of destruction' we must conclude that we are no longer an inheritor of this planet. We want system change, not climate change. Because, this system was the only thing to put us in this mess. We have to take a pledge and have to take it in action that "we want not a development, but we want a sustainable development. We don't want a high economic status, but a green economy". This pledge should be a global goal. We have to break the borders of language, region, religion, culture, and country as they all are made by us and we split us by them; but nature has no borders at all. We have to be united for these. Energy conservation is a major step to protect the environment: In day we emit 3 kg of Carbon for using 1 unit of electricity. Using renewable energy and following the official energy saving tips of PCRA etc. can help in environmental protection. Strictly rejecting the overuse of fossil fuels can bring a sustainable world. The first lessons of Education should conclude the protection of environment and ecosystem as education is the key to life. Pollution is there, pollution is here; pollution is everywhere!'. Our rivers and ponds are full of waste. A solution for pollution must be a revolution". We must prefer clean and green surroundings. Following government missions such as Swatch Bharat can help us in this. Today, we are facing a pandemic. The corona virus which started to attack us from 2002 -2003 as SARS to 2019-2020 as COVID-19. "We succeeded with the Mars, but we failed with the SARS." We must realize that we are just a tiny species in this vast unpredictable universe. Global Warming increases the reproduction and origin of viruses. Pollution in sea will reduce the action of Antibiotics. Increase in the temperature increases the potentiality of mosquitoes to attack us. Our actions against the environment is the only reason of the re-arrival of many harmful viruses. Here, I remember a skit named "The Last War" written in 1935.In that skit, countries deploy bio weapons on each other. At the end of war, the viruses destroy the total humankind. We must stop the biovars giving the same effort to stop nuclear wars. All parents say that they love their children than anyone. So, the first thing to do for them is to conserve their future by conserving nature. Remember one thing: ‘you are foiling their future in front of their own eyes'. Plant trees to reduce carbon footprint and to balance the ecosystem. Use less paper by using digitalization. Simple steps can make a big-change. I will do the things which can be done by me. You have to do what you can do. But if we all do; it means that the world had started to do. Then we can achieve success. We can complete our aim. Age is not important; important is the activity. Environment is our home. In Kerala, “Harithakeralam" is a mile stone mission to protect the environment. For our glories, first remove the gloom of our environment. Environmental protection can prevent diseases. Protecting paddy fields can prevent drought. Protecting biosphere can protect all. I am taking an effort to work for environmental protection. You also have to take another effort for that. Remember one thing; "it's not the time for arguments.... it’s time to work...time to emergence our action on our environment. Protection of environment should be an ultimate aim of the whole humankind " with none faceless others". Don't forget this time; "we caged all the animals when we had freedom, now in the middle of a pandemic, we are inside a caged inside of our own home"! It’s the time to work. Start protecting environment to protect ourselves. We belong to the nature. Hence our actions should always conclude the protection of our environment.