

St. George`s L.P.S. South Chellanam
South Chellanam

South Chellanam P. O.,
ഫോൺ9995192751 (H.M.) / 9447177779 (Manager)
സ്കൂൾ കോഡ്26326 (സമേതം)
വിദ്യാഭ്യാസ ഭരണസംവിധാനം
റവന്യൂ ജില്ലഎറണാകുളം
വിദ്യാഭ്യാസ ജില്ല എറണാകുളം
സ്കൂൾ ഭരണ വിഭാഗം
സ്കൂൾ വിഭാഗംപൊതു വിദ്യാലയം
പഠന വിഭാഗങ്ങൾ
സ്കൂൾ നേതൃത്വം
പ്രധാന അദ്ധ്യാപകൻM. G. Sreekumar Kammath
അവസാനം തിരുത്തിയത്

പ്രോജക്ടുകൾ (Projects)
തിരികെ വിദ്യാലയത്തിലേക്ക്
എന്റെ ഗ്രാമം (My Village)
നാടോടി വിജ്ഞാനകോശം
സ്കൂൾ പത്രം
എന്റെ വിദ്യാലയം
Say No To Drugs Campaign
ഹൈടെക് വിദ്യാലയം


St. George's L. P. School, was started in 1917 by the late Kannu Kaipari. Till then the education of the children was conducted in single tutor institutions called "Kalari". Each caste had its own "Kalari". The tutors were paid in kind by the parents. So much so, the children of the scheduled caste had no means for education. St.George School imparted free education to all. The school started by the late Kannu Kaipari was open to all, irrespective of casts or creed. The first batch was consisting of 134 students. School maintains records of name and details of each and every student from then, including the first batch's photograph.

The school started functioning in the out-house of Kannu Kaipari. Subsequently a beautiful school building was constructed. It was inaugurated in February 1921 by the then Prince of Cochin State, the late Kerala Varma Thampuran who was the Head of Department of Oriental Languages, in Maharaja?s College, Ernakulam.

In 1922, when the Government of Cochin recognised it as an Aided School.

St. George's L. P. School belongs to Pollayil Kaipari Memorial Educational Society (Reg No.ER.483/84) and Managed by Anand Sunny Pollayil (9447177779).

The Vision: To set high value principles for life by enabling pupils to hold on to Integrity and Knowledge to bring out Excellence.

The Mission: Instill the love for Languages, Sciences and Technologies.

What makes our School a special campus: With a very clear vision and mission, the Management, with the help of Head Teacher, Teachers, Non Teaching Staff and Parents works untiringly towards the attainment of their goals which bring about measurable and remarkable outcomes. The goals are set around an academic pursuit which is enclosed with customized packages and programs aiming for specific goals. As clearer as our vision and mission, our goals are well set to make pupils benefit by being guided towards: a) possessing good linguistic skills both in mother tongue and English; b) developing a love for sciences of nature and behavior; c) embracing technology.


The school has the following facilities:

  • Terracota Laid Brick & Mortar Building
  • Fully secured with compound wall and gates
  • Eight Classrooms
  • A Multi purpose Hall with a stage
  • Dining Hall
  • Staff Room
  • Head Master's Cabin
  • Kitchen
  • Store Room
  • Staff Toilets
  • Students' Toilets
  • Rain Water Harvesting
  • Potable Water Storage
  • Smart Class Setup with latest Interactive Board, Projector & Multimedia Digital Content
  • AV Room
  • Facilities for extra curricular activities (Outdoor)
  • Vegetation Garden
  • Arts & Crafts Materials and Classes
  • Outdoor Sports Equipments and Classes
  • Indoor Sports Equipments and Classes

പാഠ്യേതര പ്രവർത്തനങ്ങൾ

മുൻ സാരഥികൾ

സ്കൂളിലെ മുൻ അദ്ധ്യാപകർ :


പ്രശസ്തരായ പൂർവവിദ്യാർത്ഥികൾ


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