"എസ് .ഡി. പി. എച്ച്. എസ്. ധർമ്മത്തടുക്ക/ലിറ്റിൽകൈറ്റ്സ്" എന്ന താളിന്റെ പതിപ്പുകൾ തമ്മിലുള്ള വ്യത്യാസം

തിരുത്തലിനു സംഗ്രഹമില്ല
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(ഒരേ ഉപയോക്താവ് ചെയ്ത ഇടയ്ക്കുള്ള 165 നാൾപ്പതിപ്പുകൾ പ്രദർശിപ്പിക്കുന്നില്ല)
വരി 1: വരി 1:
<div style="box-shadow:10px 10px 5px #F90868;margin:0 auto; padding:0.9em 0.9em 0.5em 0.5em; border-radius:20px; border:3px solid blue; background-image:-webkit-radial-gradient(white, #F2F793); font-size:100%; text-align:justify; width:95%; color:black;">
{{Infobox littlekites
[[പ്രമാണം:11051_REGISTRATION CERTIFICATE_new.png|ലഘുചിത്രം|
|സ്കൂൾ കോഡ്=11051
{| class="wikitable"
|യൂണിറ്റ് നമ്പർ=11051
|'''School Code'''
|അംഗങ്ങളുടെ എണ്ണം=24
|വിദ്യാഭ്യാസ ജില്ല=കാസറഗോഡ്
|റവന്യൂ ജില്ല=കാസറഗോഡ്
|'''Unit number'''
|ഡെപ്യൂട്ടി ലീഡർ=SHREYAS V S
|'''Academic year'''
|കൈറ്റ് മാസ്റ്റർ / മിസ്ട്രസ് 1=PRADEEP K
|കൈറ്റ് മാസ്റ്റർ / മിസ്ട്രസ് 2=SOUMIA M
|ചിത്രം=lk logo.jpg
|'''Number of members'''
Little Kites is the largest IT organization of students in Kerala. The same year that the Little Kites Club was formed in the state, it also started functioning in our school. The club members were selected on the basis of an entrance test from 8th standard students in January 2018. The Little Kites Club has 28 members. classes are conducted every Wednesday after the classes from 4 to 5 pm. Pradeep K and Sowmya M teachers are in charge of Little Kites. Conducted Little Kites Camp on 11-08-2018.
|'''Education District'''
|'''Revenue District'''
|'''Deputy Leader'''
|'''Kite Master'''
|'''Kite Mistress '''

==== Hi-tech classroom, IT Maintenance of Lab ====
== <b class="term"><font size="5" color="blue" face="Century Schoolbook L" font>Little kites Teachers</font></b> ==
Under the government's hi-tech classroom scheme, with the cooperation of the management, PTA and the public, it was possible to make all the classrooms in the school hi-tech. Along with that, the third new IT The lab was also prepared. Hi-tech classroom, IT to ensure proper functioning of these. Little Kites members were assigned responsibility for maintaining the lab and multimedia classroom. Because of that smooth operation can be ensured.
<gallery mode="packed-overlay" widths="250" heights="200">
പ്രമാണം:11051 PRADEEP.jpg|'''<b class="term"><font size="3" color="blue" face="Noto Serif Kannada" font>Sri PRADEEP K </font></b></h1>'''
പ്രമാണം:11051 SOWMYA.jpg|'''<b class="term"><font size="3" color="blue" face="Noto Serif Kannada" font>Smt SOUMIA M </font></b></h1>'''

=== Free software to the public ===
<font size="5" font color="black" face="Century Schoolbook L">Little Kites is the largest IT organization of students in Kerala. The same year that the Little Kites Club was formed in the state, it also started functioning in our school. The club members were selected on the basis of an entrance test from 8th standard students in January 2018. The Little Kites Club has 23 members. classes are conducted every Wednesday after the classes from 4 to 5 pm. Pradeep K and Sowmya M teachers are in charge of Little Kites. Conducted Little Kites Camp on 11-08-2018.</font>
Little Kites decided to train school staff, parents and the general public on Ubuntu with the idea of ​​bringing free software to the public and implemented it. First the introduction class is given and then the mobile numbers of those who want to study are collected and notified through the school's message system, this activity is getting a good response

=== Ubuntu installation fest ===
The Ubuntu Installation Fest held at the school on 22nd September 2018 was a huge success and many people availed this service. It went on to install Ubuntu for over 12 people, and Ubuntu OS for over 30 people. Copied and submitted.
== <b class="term"><font size="5" color="blue" face="Century Schoolbook L" font>Hi-tech classroom, IT Maintenance of Lab</font></b> ==
<font size="5" font color="black" face="Century Schoolbook L">Under the government's hi-tech classroom scheme, with the cooperation of the management and the public, it was possible to make all the classrooms in the school hi-tech. Along with that, IT lab was also prepared. Hi-tech classroom, IT to ensure proper functioning of these. Little Kites members were assigned responsibility for maintaining the lab and multimedia classroom. Because of that smooth operation can be ensured.</font>
== <b class="term"><font size="5" color="blue" face="Century Schoolbook L" font>Free software to the public</font></b> ==
<font size="5" font color="black" face="Century Schoolbook L">Little Kites decided to train school staff, parents and the general public on Ubuntu with the idea of ​​bringing free software to the public and implemented it. First the introduction class is given and then the mobile numbers of those who want to study are collected and notified through the school's message system, this activity is getting a good response</font>
== <b class="term"><font size="5" color="blue" face="Century Schoolbook L" font>Ubuntu Installation Fest</font></b> ==
<font size="5" font color="black" face="Century Schoolbook L">The Ubuntu Installation Fest held at the school on 22nd September 2018 was a huge success and many people availed this service. It went on to install Ubuntu for over 12 people, and Ubuntu OS for over 30 people. Copied and submitted.</font>
== <b class="term"><font size="5" color="blue" face="Century Schoolbook L" font>Kuttikootam Training</font></b> ==
<font size="5" color="black" face="Noto Serif Kannada" font>ಶಾಲೆಯಲ್ಲಿ ನಡೆದ ಕುಟ್ಟಿಕೂಟಂ ಟ್ರೈನಿಂಗ್ ನಲ್ಲಿ ಭಾಗವಹಿಸಿದ ಶಾಲೆಯ ಮಕ್ಕಳು</font>
<center><gallery mode="packed-overlay" widths="250" heights="220">
പ്രമാണം:11051_KUTTIKOOTAM TRAINING20173.jpg|alt=|'''<b class="term"><font size="3" color="blue" face="Century Schoolbook L" font></font></b></h1>'''
പ്രമാണം:11051_KUTTIKOOTAM TRAINING20172.jpg|alt=|'''<b class="term"><font size="3" color="blue" face="Century Schoolbook L" font></font></b></h1>'''
പ്രമാണം:11051_KUTTIKOOTAM TRAINING20171.jpg|alt=|'''<b class="term"><font size="3" color="blue" face="Century Schoolbook L" font></font></b></h1>'''
പ്രമാണം:11051_KUTTIKOOTAM TRAINING2017.jpg|alt=|'''<b class="term"><font size="3" color="blue" face="Century Schoolbook L" font></font></b></h1>'''
== <b class="term"><font size="5" color="blue" face="Noto Serif Kannada" font>Sub District Kuttikootam Training Camp 2017</font></b> ==
<font size="5" color="black" face="Noto Serif Kannada" font>ಬೇಕೂರ್ ಶಾಲೆಯಲ್ಲಿ ನಡೆಯುವ ಕುಟ್ಟಿಕೂಟಂ ಟ್ರೈನಿಂಗ್ನಲ್ಲಿ ಭಾಗವಹಿಸಿದ ಶಾಲೆಯ ಮಕ್ಕಳು </font>
<center><gallery mode="packed-overlay" widths="350" heights="280">
പ്രമാണം:11051_SUBDISTRICTKUTTIKUTAMCAMP2017.jpg|alt=|'''<b class="term"><font size="3" color="blue" face="Century Schoolbook L" font></font></b></h1>'''
== <b class="term"><font size="5" color="blue" face="Century Schoolbook L" font>Objectives</font></b> ==
<font size="5" font color="black" face="Century Schoolbook L"> Involve children in streamlining the use and management of technology tools in schools
Nurture children's natural interest in information technology education
Familiarize yourself with using the software</font>
== <b class="term"><font size="5" color="blue" face="Century Schoolbook L" font>Actions</font></b> ==
<font size="5" font color="black" face="Century Schoolbook L">Aptitude test
Preliminary camp
Routine classes
School level camps
Sub-district level camps
Digital Magazine
Individual-group assignment activities
Industrial visit
School Wiki Update
Expert classes
Camera training
Freedom Fest- 2023
Cyber ​​Safety Training - Satyame Va Jayate
YIP training
Executive Committee Meetings
Parents meeting
Congratulatory meetings
Youtube channel
== <b class="term"><font size="5" color="blue" face="Century Schoolbook L" font>Fields of study, activities</font></b> ==
<font size="5" font color="black" face="Century Schoolbook L">Arrangement Of Hi-Tech Equipments
Graphic Designing
Kannada Typing And Internet
Media And Documentation, Video Edting
Block Programming
Scratch Programming
Mobile App Inventor
Artificial Intelligence
Desktop Publishing
Digital Magazine
Computer Hardware
Topics Like Are Included In The Module</font>
== <b class="term"><font size="5" color="blue" face="Century Schoolbook L" font>Little Kites Board</font></b> ==
<font size="5" color="black" face="Century Schoolbook L" font>The Little Kites board was placed in front of the school</font>


"https://schoolwiki.in/പ്രത്യേകം:മൊബൈൽവ്യത്യാസം/2539960...2566704" എന്ന താളിൽനിന്ന് ശേഖരിച്ചത്