"എസ്സ്. ഡി. വി. ബി. എച്ച്. എസ്സ്. എസ്സ്. ആലപ്പുഴ/അക്ഷരവൃക്ഷം/ *THE DREAMS OF NATURE *" എന്ന താളിന്റെ പതിപ്പുകൾ തമ്മിലുള്ള വ്യത്യാസം

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(ചെ.) (എസ്സ്.ഡി.വി.എച്ഛ്.എസ്സ്.എസ്സ്,ആലപ്പുഴ/അക്ഷരവൃക്ഷം/ *THE DREAMS OF NATURE * എന്ന താൾ എസ്സ്. ഡി. വി. ബി. എച്ച്. എസ്സ്. എസ്സ്. ആലപ്പുഴ/അക്ഷരവൃക്ഷം/ *THE DREAMS OF NATURE * എന്ന തലക്കെട്ടിലേയ്ക്ക് തിരിച്ചുവിടലില്ലാതെ Schoolwikihelpdesk മാറ്റി: അക്ഷരത്തെറ്റ് തിരുത്തൽ)
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വരി 43: വരി 43:
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20:01, 20 ജനുവരി 2022-നു നിലവിലുള്ള രൂപം


There is a family lived in the bank of Rhine river is one of the major european rivers which has it sources in switzerland and flows in mostly northerly direction through Germany and Netherland. The length of this beautiful river is about 1,233 km . There is so many beautiful cities were it passes through . The cities like Cologne,Maniz,koblenz, strasbourg,Bonn ,Basel, Disburg ,wiesbaden etc. And it also passes through the countries like Germany,France, Switzerland ,Netherland, Austria etc. And it is the one of the longest river in the world

               A Bank manager and his family lived in the bank of this river rhine in strasbourg. A city in france . It is the one of the beautiful city in france .

   The bank manager named john Evelyn is a nature lover and he respect and care the nature a lot . His wife Clara Evelyn is also a nature lover. she help john in the nature activites . He had three children's . Manson Evelyn is the elder one and Tobison Evelyn is the middle one and Ellsa Evelyn is the younger one.

          Manson and Ellsa both them are brilliant in school and home but they are not active in nature matters like nature care etc. They are not supporting there parents in the nature activities . They are always study the books not the nature .Jhon were happy about there quality of study. but he is so sad more than happy. Because his children donot like to conserve the nature even they are not convice about it . But his middle son Tabison love and care the nature a lot.But he is lazy in his studies not only in studies but also in other things which not related to nature . His teacher was always complaint about him . And he is very talkative in the class that make a lot of disturbance in the class.But he was always talks about the nature . How to conserve it ? What are the advantages of the nature ? What is the disadvantages of the nature ? Like that he discuss in the class. Clara is also not happy about his studies. She punished him a lot for his bad performance in studies .

       But John tells nothing . He thinks a lot about Tabison in every day . John knew all about Tabison .What is his qualities ? And what is his weakness ? More than the knowledge he get from the books he love to get the knowledge from the nature . John knew it is special and a rare kind of quality he had . And John really loves that quality .

John always see that Manson and Ellsa always poke fun at him . And they tried to avoid him .But John always tried to convince them sometimes he punished them .John always studying Tabison .He always saw that Tabison was spend more time in nature and for nature activites . He always sit at the bank of the Rhine and tried to observe the nature and he always tried to enjoy the beauty of the nature .John want to make Tabison a very successful person in his life . He need to show Tabison as a successful person in the world.But he need to know more about Tabison for that he enters the room of Tabison .There are so many kinds of nature related things was there .
There are so many poems and stories about nature, the picture collection of beautiful trees , rivers, and forest etc. was there . The seeds of different plants was also there .John was surprised and happy about it. And it makes start running of tears from his eyes. After this he knew what is really missing in the life of Tabison .The aim (objectives) was missing in his life. If any one make a success in their life there is a sense of purpose or an aim was there.At that night he called up Tabison to his room . And he asked him what is your dream? What is your ambition? Tabison ought at that time John realise that Tabison had no amitions in his life till now because a person have an ambition will not think .They tell their ambition is faster as they can .but John kept silent . But Tabison can't answer . With a little smile John ask him would you see the Rhine river Tabison answered yes .John ask what is the speciality of this river  ? . The river is the home of water, living organisms and it is also give s the pure water for the human begins and other organisms that live in the earth Tabison answered .John tell to Tabison that there is a lot of beautiful factors about rhine river is there . That is one of the beauty of rhine.especially a wonderful island with a beautiful garden and lots of wonderful factors are there would you want to go there . Tabison impressed and he ask where is this Jhon tell it is in the nothern part of the rhine river but he didn't tell the distance ,and the time taken for this he just tell the direction to that place.Tabison were excited to go there .BeforeJhon go from the room .He tell one more thing that he tell in louder . If you an aim you need to work hard for your aim without losing your hope. If you make your hope alive the things always positive for you. Chase your aim and win it .Good luck .

He take his bag with a bottle of water and a packet of bread and some dollars in his pocket . He get ready in the early morning . And he start his journey on his cycle in the early morning to the northern part of the river . He ride the bicycle by looking the flow of the rhine river .

          3RD DAY

Days gone but he can't gets his dream but he still alive his hope and continue the journey . He have some dollars in his pocket from this he buy food and ate .


   He can't get his aim still . The last dollar also end .His pockets was empty . He drink the water from the river .He still realise and belive in the words of his dad that in any critical time or in a critical situation we don't lose our hope .chase our dream with dedication and hope

He still chase his aim after some distance he step up from the cycle and sit under a big tree at that time he heared a sound 's of duck' and bird's he follow the sounds and he saw a couple of swan 's in there and he saw a boat on the bank of the river . He get into the boat and follow the swans . He come closer them and he saw a lot's of swan's in the river and he followed them after some distance he found a land with beautiful garden and so many birds were sitting on the branches of the trees at that time he realise that this is the place that dad told to him and he enters to the island. He feels he enters to the land of heaven . At that time he rememeber the words of his dad that is an aim makes a pearson to success his dream . If we have a dream if we work hard for that the nature will also support us .at that time he realise it . And he remember the story that his dad told him . When river flow plain we can't know where they go and where they meet . But when a leaf is fall to the river from a tree it shows where they go where they meet . It just mean this, don't make our heart plain. be always have a dream in your heart. work hard for that aim . We will got it .

Dream makes aim .aim makes challenge . Challenge makes success.

ആലപ്പുഴ ഉപജില്ല
അക്ഷരവൃക്ഷം പദ്ധതി, 2020

 സാങ്കേതിക പരിശോധന - Kannans തീയ്യതി: 20/ 01/ 2022 >> രചനാവിഭാഗം - ലേഖനം