പി.എം.എസ്.എ.എം.എ.യു.പി.എസ് കാരാത്തോട്/ക്ലബ്ബുകൾ/ഇംഗ്ലീഷ് ക്ലബ്
ഇംഗ്ലീഷ് ക്ലബ്
Many programs were conducted in PMSAMAUPS Karathode as part of English learning process. Some of the curricular as well as co curricular
activities done in the school are presented below.
One of the major step taken towards creating interest in English language among the learners was the introduction of Monday morning programs such as new word, thought for the day, news headlines etc. This is conducted during every Mondays with utmost cheerfulness from the part of the teachers as well as the students.
The Easy English program was initiated in order to help the slow learners. As part of this, students were given special training apart from class hours during holidays with the proper guidance from the teachers.
The inauguration of the English Club was celebrated in the school which also contributed much to the learning of the language.
Hello English is a learning enhancement programme. The project aims at bringing about confidence in using English language among students of the primary section. The hello English module is designed to impart interesting learning strategies that go beyond the textbooks and immerse the students in the language, thereby making them proficient in it. The programme aims at making the students more interactive in the class.
Another prominent event was the English Fest in which students from all classes participated enthusiastically and a whole day was dedicated to English language.
Students spoke in English and many vibrant activities were also conducted as part of the fest. Many guests were also present on that occasion and became a part of the fest.