ടി.ഡി.എച്ച്.എസ്.എസ്. മട്ടാഞ്ചേരി/അക്ഷരവൃക്ഷം/We shall over come
We Shall over come
The topic which I chose is “ We shall over come “ when we read this , a song comes in our minds, “ We shall over come, We shall over come , We shall over come some day...............” Friends do you know about this songs’ origin ? It was a protest song and a key anthem of Civil Right movement. Civil Right movement was a struggle for social justice that took place mainly during 1950’s and 1960’s for backs to gain equal rights under the law in U.S. Now whether our topic is on social injustice ? Whether somebody is asking for justice ? Actually yes,our mother earth is asking for justice . Deforestation pollution, mining , and all through such activities we kept on destroying nature because of the greediness of human beings , we are mercilessly killing and eating all animals including wild animals, ultimately resulting a disequilibrium in the ecosystem. It is believed that now mother earth is hitting back on us through Covid-19, because as per the sources, the corona virus outbreak occurred in China’s slum market Wuhan. We shall overcome Covid-19! Is the point of discussion but how will we overcome ? What is Covid-19 . Corona virus disease ( Civid-19 ) is a infections disease caused by a newly discovered Corona virus. At this time there are no specific vaccines or treatments for Covid-19. Covid is declared as a pandemic by W.H.O and not as an epedimic. Now what is the difference between epidemic and pandemic ? W.H.O specifies ‘ epidemic’ as occuring at the level of a region or community.And a pandemic disease is an epidemic that has spread over a large area, example it is prevelant throught an entire country, continent or whole world. It is in order to overcome this pandemic that goverment has already taken measures such as lockdown. Social distancing is required to overcome the spread of disease.
Compared to toher countriesin India, Covid is well cntrolled because of we have taken necessary steps including theones explained above before its community spread. We have only a few areas are hot spots which are affected by community spread, and it is sure that it will be efficiently controlled with all such steps. India is a country which have successfully overcome the distructive caused by mainly many natural calamities. Similarly we will overcome this Covid-19 pandemic also. “ Every set back is a set up for a comeback” and we will surely comeback, because the preparations has already started. The value of human motivation and determined efforts is beyond everything. If experts were to be believed, Israel should have been wiped out by Arabs, but the fact is different. As per the rules of Aerodynamics , the Bumble bee can’t fly but it flies, because it doesn't know the rules of Aerodynamics. If the experts were to be believed the first American lady to win 4 Olympic gold in Athletics, shouldn’t have been in a position to walk without braces,no question of running. If the experts were to be believed Arunima Sinha can hardly lead a normal life. But she climbed the mount Everest. The corona crisis is no different. I don’t have any doubt that , we will defeat the corona hands down and Indian economy and the whole world will bounce back in a great manner. Lets work together distantly and overcome together. We will overcome!!.